Cyber Security

The new coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19) contains an organizational protection code following cyber security recommendations.

In addition to the need to explicitly encourage people to stay indoors with the spread of the new coronavirus (Covid-19), two immediate priorities should be adopted around the world:

Ensuring unprecedented remote work arrangements, protecting the economic survival of the business;

Structure intelligent IT systems to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of network traffic.

Due to the weakness of virtual security systems, cyber-attacks occur more and more frequently. To avoid this problem, technical support services that meet these requirements should be searched immediately.

Follow the post and learn 4 steps to prepare your organization’s cyber security for the epidemic. Good reading!

How does an Epidemic Affect the Data Protection of Organizations?

While the company is learning how to operate efficiently in this new remote and dynamic environment, virtual security care is essential to prevent cyber-attacks and to compromise business-critical data.

Managers should review and therefore reconsider the company’s PCN (business continuity plan) and its crisis and emergency management, risk communication, vulnerabilities of digital systems, the flow of remote activities, field interdependence, supply chain, service provider, and employee engagement approach. On.

Interestingly, the IT team took part in this review. This is because they can meet the real needs of the business with the technological security possibilities available in the market.

How do you prepare Your Organization for Cyber Security for your Epidemic?

The new coronavirus crisis is particularly unique, as it calls for new social, geographical, political, and technological positions in addition to organizational innovation in its economic and commercial support.

One of these specific changes is the need for social distance. To prevent the spread of the disease, companies repatriate their workforce and remote work becomes a reality.

This is why managers should focus on other issues such as enhancing measures to ensure proper effectiveness during an epidemic, protection for online transactions, data protection, etc.

To help with this journey, check out the following 4 steps to prepare your organization’s cyber security for the epidemic.

1) Create an Organizational Culture of Cyber Security

Having a broad cyber awareness, education, and training program is the key to preparing you for the epidemic.

Since most offices operate in the home office, these are necessary to ensure virtual risk, smart and secure use of technology, the importance of individual systems among others, and the security of the organization’s data.

2) Trust the Support of Skilled Professionals

Since we are dealing with a very important situation, the support of trained IT professionals is inevitable.

This special assistance will allow staff to investigate and coordinate issues such as the use of VPN technology, remote technology support, quick connection monitoring, access to network resources, unified communications, etc.

3) Evaluate Cyber Diagnostics

Monitor, identify, and improve cyber problems with the help of IT experts. E-mail systems, networks, software applications, and all information system endpoints should be considered.

Using advanced software in security information (CRM), artificial intelligence (AI) features, automation, and event management of data visualization can simplify the process.

4) Confirmation of Information System

As we have said, managers should review and review the Company’s Business Continuity Plan (PCN) and Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).

If possible, do this analysis with IT staff to make sure it is done correctly. If the organization does not have these plans, they need to be implemented as soon as possible.

In light of this turbulent scenario, your organization needs to prepare its cyber security for the epidemic. The IT team should focus on adequate and efficient security systems of various organizations available in the market and structure.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.