Are you a long-standing vendor on open marketplaces like Amazon? If yes, we want to facilitate the way you do business at present. “But, how?” you might ask. Well, we can provide you with an excellent tool that will help you know the status of your sales and revenue with ease. Yes, the “Best Amazon Seller Software” is “exactly” what you are “looking for.” “But, what type of information can this software offer to me?” you might ask.
“Well,” we have prepared a long list of features and functions that the Best Amazon Seller Software “ships with.” So, before you ask, we will share all the essential information right away.
Top 8 informational items you can see in the sales order report of the Best Amazon Seller Software
1. Total orders
In this “section,” you will find the total number of orders shipped as “well” as pending to date. What’s more? In the Total Orders part, you won’t see just some numerical figures but also a tiny graph that will show the data of all orders at a specific point in the selected period.
2. Pending orders
This portion of the sales order report will show you the “total” number of orders that have neither been processed nor delivered to the customer. In the Pending Orders region, you will also find a small graph that will display on your screen the data of the pending orders at a specific point in the selected timeframe.
3. Shipped orders
When you reach this area, you can view the total number of orders “that” got processed by your employees, and they are about to get delivered or already delivered to your consumers. Besides that, you can also peek at a smaller graph showing the entire data of the shipped orders at a certain point in the selected duration.
4. Units
By looking at this section of the sales order report, you will know how many of your items were sold from the total number of orders. The good news is the “Units” section also contains a mini graph that renders the data of the total number of products sold at a specific point in the selected period.
5. Revenue
As the name suggests, the Revenue section of the sales report will let you know the approximate total amount acquired by selling all the commodities. Not to forget, the “Revenue” area also has a small-sized graph seeing which you can “know” the total revenue generated at a given point in the “particular” period. Please note that whatever amount you see here will be in a specific currency, i.e., selected in the company profile.
6. Est. net profit
With the above term, you would have “got” an idea that it helps you know the total estimated net profit obtained through your online business. However, to get the “profit figures,” the program reduces the amazon fees and taxes from the total revenue acquired.
For example, Estimated net profit = Total revenue – Expenses.
7. Sales Overview with Comparison
Yes, you guessed that right! In this region of sales report, you can compare your sales performance of “now” to that of the past. However, to determine that you will have to see the simple line chart shown on the page, including sales trends metrics such as units and revenue of the concerned marketplace. Now it depends on you what you want to see first, whether “unit” or “revenue” of your business.
Additionally, you can also glance at different information by switching between Orders, Units, and Revenue from the options shown in the upper right section of the chart.
8. Net Profit Split Up
Lastly, suppose you want to see the monetary wealth acquired by your online business in different ways. In that situation, all you have to do is filter the data through the list, info cards, and trends comparison chart using a wide range of built-in filters available in the software. However, you must remember that the number of filters you need to view the desired results will vary depending on the report you want to see at the moment.
Suppose that you want to see your sales order report in different formats. In that case, you can tinker with different combinations of filters to get desired results, such as:
A. Units
B. Revenue
C. Tag
D. Estimated net profit
E. Marketplace order ID
F. Payment method
G. Order Type
H. Status
I. Buyer email
J. Countries
K. Many more
The endnote
We hope you learned plenty of things through this textual piece, including eight main elements you can find in the sales order report of the Best Amazon Seller Software. So, if you liked this piece of content and want to get a subscription to the Amazon Seller Application now, please get in touch with the highly praised Amazon software maker out there.