PRP facial

For decades, facial PRP has been widespread. At some point, it was seen as an indulgence rather than a method of self-care. Today, facials are the most effective and safer. At Beverly Hills med spa, we are proud to provide you with PRP facial rejuvenation. It is one of the best anti-aging treatments that come with many advantages over the traditional way.

It is essential to understand what a facial is before knowing its advantages. Of course, you know it is a skincare treatment. Your facial is likely to improve your health, strength, beauty, quality, and youth of your skin on the face without involving invasive techniques.

Now the question is, what is the PRP facial or PRP treatment? A PRP facial is an advanced skincare that makes your body heal faster. It is also known as a vampire facial since it involves drawing your blood during the procedure.

With platelet concentrated plasma, magic happens. It would help if you had this concentration to perform the PRP facial. In achieving the concentrate levels of the platelet in plasma, you will have the blood components separated. It could be done through density. After that, the platelets get injected into plasma and used on your body.

Many advantages come alongside PRP facial for your face. Some of these are listed below.

Increased collagen production

The production of collagen drops at a high rate as people get older. It continues to decline for the rest of your life after 25 years unless something has been done to stimulate their production—also, its quality drops, and how your skin visibly becomes unhealthy.

If you have wrinkles, fine lines, or even severe folds and other marks on your skin, be sure that the PRP facial will enhance its quality. Collagen determines how youthful you remain, which means it is an essential component of your body.

With just an injection of the PRP treatment, the existing collagen begins to heal your skin. Also, your entire body will regain a new look, get stronger due to healthier collagen produced. After some time, you start to see skin tightening results.

Reduce wrinkles

Many people seek this PRP treatment when they get wrinkles and lines on their faces. It is a sign that you are aging. After the injection, both the lines and the wrinkles get eliminated as your skin tightens. Keenly you will notice the disappearance of the deeper folds.

Improved moisture retention

With healthy and thick skin, you are better protected. It is because the layers of your skins come from the outside the irritants. Firmer skin will help you retain moisture. Besides, it aids in unclogging the body pores, which makes your skin more receptive to moisturizers. But you can benefit from the unclogged pores since it eases the absorption of the medication. It brings forth beauty enhancement.

It doesn’t hurt

Before undergoing the procedure, your facial skin gets gentle cleansing. It makes sure there is no dirt or any imperfection on your skin, leading to an adverse reaction. After acquiring skincare face sanitization, your doctor will then apply the anesthetic treatment on the site. It will play a significant role as you will not feel any physical pain. However, since the lining on your hairline, mouth, and eye is sensitive, it could be uncomfortable but not painful.

It is a quick treatment

The PRP treatment seems like it would take a lot of time, but that is not the case. First, your blood gets drawn with the use of syringes. From there, you place it into the centrifuge to get processed. The process involves having the blood cleaned to transfer and inject, and separation of its components. It doesn’t take long. It is a process of about five minutes to run your blood via the centrifuge. After that, you can have the treatment take a maximum of 1 hour. However, all this depends on the size and the number of areas you need to be treated.

Lasting results

Many of the skin treatments last only for a week or two before undergoing the procedure again. On the contrary, the PRP treatment in Beverly hill medspa is a permanent way to retain a youthful look. Even better, you will only need a few vampire treatments than the traditional micro-needling to get to your aesthetic eye.


The only disadvantage of going through the PRP treatment is that you encounter bruising around the area of medicine. You could also have minor pain from the process of blood draw due to the injection you had while under anesthesia. However, there are several advantages, unlike the little discomfort that will clear in two to three days. It is the only safe and effective option for everyone looking forward to having tight skin and removes their wrinkles.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.