

Embark on a transformative journey towards enhanced reporting capabilities with DataTerrain pioneering solution for migrating legacy reports to advanced BI platforms. Our tailored approach addresses the specific needs of those transitioning from SAP Crystal Reports to Jaspersoft, ensuring a seamless integration that optimizes reporting efficiency. Explore the power of our conversion solution and elevate your reporting landscape to new heights. 

Key Features: Unlock the potential of DataTerrain’s SAP Crystal to Jaspersoft Migration Mastery, featuring advanced automation, meticulous analysis of functions/logics, and optimized reporting environments. Our core features guarantee a smooth transition and unparalleled performance. 

1)  Automation Tool:  

Central to our solution is DataTerrain Legacy BI Migration Automation Tool, an advanced automation tool meticulously engineered to facilitate precise migration from SAP Crystal to Jaspersoft. Seamlessly integrate converted reports into the Jaspersoft domain, ensuring unmatched performance and accuracy. Experience the cornerstone of our commitment to enhancing your reporting landscape. 

 2) Comprehensive Analysis:  

Delve into the robust capabilities of our report analysis component, meticulously scrutinizing all elements to ensure a flawless transition. Identify missing components and receive detailed logs for pinpointed analysis during the report conversion process. Trust our experts to recommend solutions for any compatibility issues, ensuring a seamless transition to Jaspersoft. 

3) Preservation of Functions and Logics:  

Experience seamless conversion of native functions and intricate formula logics embedded in SAP Crystal reports. Our conversion process guarantees equivalent solutions in Jaspersoft, preserving critical functions and logics throughout the migration journey. Rest assured that your reporting functionality remains uninterrupted. 

4) Design Preservation:  

Preserve years of design efforts invested in report sections/layouts during the migration journey. Rely on DataTerrain’s technical team’s expertise to meticulously rebuild Crystal reports for the Jasper Platform, ensuring a seamless transition while maintaining design integrity and optimization. 

5) Request Your Free Demo:  

Take proactive steps towards modernizing your reporting capabilities by requesting a complimentary demo and proof of concept for the SAP Crystal Reports to Jaspersoft Report Conversion. Contact us at [email protected] to explore a direct, real-time experience and unlock the potential of a smooth transition. Trust DataTerrain to deliver a seamless conversion experience tailored to your organization’s needs

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.