Whether you run a manufacturing, retail, or IT business, you need to make your workplace safer and more secure for your employees and allied others. Injuries, illness, security threats, and violence the ones that you need to manage successfully at your workplace. Enhanced security and safety will help you execute your business operation efficiently, have more productivity from employees, and lower the risks of having financial loss or physical damage to premises. Here are some useful tips for your assistance or awareness on how to improve security and safety:
1. Install sophisticated tools and equipment
Installing the requisite tools such as control access system, CCTV cameras, and smoke & fire detection is the best and effective way to enhance security and safety at a workplace. It will be far better for your workplace, if you integrate security video analytics with your existing security and surveillance systems. With it, you can protect your premise from:
- Robbery
- Unauthorised access
- Theft
- Workplace violence
- Fire breakout
- Allied wrong doings
2. Follow the set industry norms for safety and security
Following the local safety and security regulations is crucial for businesses of any sector. And as a business owner, you need to ensure you are following the set norms. You should make efforts to correct safety faults or security issues as you notice them. And for ensuring and improving your workplace security and safety, you should:
- Train Your Employees
- Maintain higher level of security with advanced tools and equipment
- Have emergency plans
- Allow leave to employees suffering from illness/infection or feeling unwell
3. Engage your people in security and safety planning
Sometimes, doing things alone is tough or hard for a person. It can lead you to have a lack of ideas on tool or software selection, implementation, and execution. For having a better security and safety plan, you can seek advice or suggestions from your employees and engage them in the execution of the same. Engaging them will create a sense of responsibility in them. You can use different mediums for seeking their ideas or suggestions. The means could be:
- Office meetings
- Group chats through official and trusted channels
4. Place first aid box and have a health plan
Any injury, illness, or infection to an employee can impact your business operation a lot. As a result, you can have lower productivity, deadline missing, etc. To handle health and allied issues, you should have a proper plan. And for this, ensure having:
- First aid boxes
- Sick leaves
- Health policy for employees
- PPE kit that can contain facemasks, helmets, shoes, and gloves
5. Keep your installed tools and equipment in good working condition
At your workplace, you may have CCTV cameras, fire extinguishers, control access systems, etc. As an owner or manager, you should know whether the installed tools and equipment are working properly or not. If not, take actions to repair them and bring them back in good working condition. It will help you get what you have installed at your premises.
6. Change passwords and security codes regularly
At the entrance, you would have a security lock that requires code entry for having an access to your premise. The code being used for a longer period can be vulnerable to security threats. You should change the code now and then and request all the associated persons not to disclose it to unknown persons without your permission. The same applies to your communication means and access to software tools with usernames and passwords. You should keep them changing and ensure that no one, except the authorised person is accessing the same.
7. Encourage your people to raise their concerns
At many workplaces or companies, people go, do their jobs, and come back to their residence. Due to personal or other reasons, they do nothing except the execution of the job they are responsible for. They hasistate stating something that is important for the entire company/business. As a conscious business owner, you should create a friendly work culture and encourage your employees to raise their concerns. They should inform you or the management on the one that can be a security threat or beneficial for business growth.
People and employees love to live or work at a safer and secure place. As a business owner, you should take all the possible steps in this regard. The steps mentioned in the post are highly useful. You can apply them for making a more secure and safer workplace for you and your people.