egg white powder

Since a century, the high level of cholesterol seen in the yolk has been fully debated. It is okay to eat yolkless egg as you can still enjoy many significant nutritional benefits. 

What is egg white powder? 

Powdered Egg Whites are dried egg white that contains pure albumen. If you want to reconstitute it, you just have to mix the powder with water.  This reconstituted powder gathers exactly the same characteristics of fresh egg white. Besides, it can be used safely without cooking nor baking as it is pasteurized. Generally, egg white powder is sold along with supplies for cake baking and decorating. 

Nutrition information of egg whites 

It is universally know that eggs constitute a natural and qualitative source of protein. In fact, on egg brings more than six grams of protein, the equivalent of 13 percent of the recommended daily value. And egg whites gather more than half of a whole egg’s protein, that is to say four of the six grams. 

In fact, according to the journal Proteome Science, the egg white or albumen has some biological function. In fact, the avian egg white acts such a shock-absorber. It maintains the yolk at its place. Besides, it plays a role of antimicrobial barrier that provides water, protein and other nutrients to the growing embryo. Apart from this biological function, egg white remains a rich source of high quality protein for food industries. 

Besides, some searches led to the conclusion that egg whites constitute a huge source of riboflavin and selenium. In addition, you can save 54 milligrams of potassium and 55 mg of sodium in every egg white. Remember that potassium is an essential mineral needed for the metabolic system and sodium is vital for body functioning, even at a low rate.

Otherwise, egg whites remain a very low-calorie food. For instance, it only contains 17 calories whereas whole eggs gather 71.  Egg whites do not contain any saturated fat or cholesterol. That’s why they are so popular among people suffering from diabetes or heart disease. And finally, remember that there are neither carbohydrates nor sugar in the egg whites. 

Health benefits of egg whites

First, egg whites are rich in protein. This last is necessary for muscles building. Protein also helps people to feel full longer and remain energized. For that, protein can intervene to keep an healthy weight. 

Second, it gathers a lot of potassium. Containing 54 mg of potassium, one egg white can help you to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and ischemic heart disease. Besides, the rate of potassium brought by egg white remains a necessary mineral and electrolyte in relation with heart health, bone health and overall cell and organ functioning. 

Third, it is a great source of riboflavin (vitamin 12). In fact, this is a famous vitamin that helps the organism release energy from carbohydrates. This last plays a great role in the metabolism and the production of red blood cells. Otherwise, vitamin 12 is also an antioxidant able to fight against dangerous free radicals that can damage or even kill cells. In addition, it is to be known that a lack of riboflavin may cause anemia and potential cardiovascular diseases or even a high risk of cancer. 

After, it contributes to the stabilization of blood pressure. Egg whites belong in fact to these diets that are higher in protein that are linked with diminished risk of nursing hypertension. For instance, some studies have shown that the peptide contained in the egg white reduces blood pressure as much as low as a famous high-blood-pressure-drug, a captopril. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.