Anyone who has a house needs a handyman at some point in their lives. There’s always going to be a leaky faucet or a cracked drywall that needs your attention and who better to handle it than a professional on demand handyman?
We often see the men house or the boyfriend or the daughter’s friend trying to manage minor home chores. But if you ask them, they all know it in their hearts that the job hasn’t been done quite well. Half the time, people just undertake difficult projects in order to impress their counterparts or to show their manly prowess.
The need for a professional on demand handyman is non-negotiable. But how do you know the person you have appointed is absolutely correct for the job? Here’s a list of questions that can help!
Does your on demand Handyman have a License?
People often don’t know that handymen require a license to go work in people’s homes. This license is issued to them after a careful background check. You want to be absolutely certain that the person you are allowing inside your house doesn’t have a criminal background and is skilled in the task at hand.
Is your Handyman Cover by Liability Insurance?
Certain jobs that handymen undertake may be dangerous and can cause accidental injuries. If your handyman insures, you can rest assure that his medical treatment will take care of. However, if the handyman isn’t ensuring. It will become your responsibility to pay for his medical bills since the injury was caused on the job. Most people ignore this question and end up paying for it heavily. Be wise and check with your handyman in advance only.
What do his previous employers think about him?
If you are about to hand over some important job to someone you have to be absolutely certain that the person has a good work ethic. In order to check this, you should always look for some history of the handyman’s work.
The best way to vet his authenticity is to ask the person about his previous work experiences and contact the people he or she has worked for. If the handyman shows reluctance in doing so, you should just understand his employees haven’t particularly been very good.
Mostly, handymen are braggers. They like to talk big about what they can and cannot do. This is why when asked about people they have worked for in the past, they should be overly ecstatic to share the list. If they are as good as they claim to be in their jobs, then you should be absolutely certain that they will have some before and after pictures to share of the job they have undertaken.
The most important thing to check with previous employers is to find out what kind of an attitude did the handyman have? Did the employers like working with him or did they find his presence to be an ominous offense? Would they hire him again or would they simply call someone else?
He may be good at his work, but are you willing to put up with some foul mouth ill-mannered person to get the odd jobs at your home do? If not then think about all these things before finalizing your decision.
Can your on demand handyman provide a quote for the job before he undertakes it?
In order to be sure about the exact amount that you might have to pay at the end of the job done, you must ask the handyman to give you a quote before you actually book his services. This will also enable you to take an informed decision about who you want to hire by comparing the prices of all the ones that you have been considering.
Is he superman?
Our mothers have always taught us to be weary of strangers giving us lollies. That’s exactly what you should do. If the lolly presented to you is too big, just quietly say thank you and move on. You certainly don’t want to hand over the job to someone who claims to know it all. Anyone who says he can do every single thing you have asked him to do is mostly overstating his handyman prowess. Unless he is the original Superman there is no way he knows everything. So, keep the over promise-ers at an arm’s distance.
Cheapest may not be the best
The people who bid at the lowest price aren’t always the right people to hire. There has to be a general price quote in the market with a very minor variance. If someone is quoting you something shockingly low, chances are he is either not good at his work or there are many hidden charges that will force you to end up paying much more.
Make sure that you understand their process of payment and work. If the price quoted is very low and he insists that you must pay in advance, well, then you should be skeptical. He might never even show up after having taken your money.
on demand handyman App
These days there are quite a few uber for handyman services apps that make the task really easy. You can book their services through the app just by putting in their requirement and getting an instant list of all the available handymen in the area up for the task along with their work experience, pricing, and reviews by some of their previous customers.
These apps have made it extremely easy for the users to get their jobs handles right when they want it without much ado. In fact, the popularity of such apps has turned many enthusiastic entrepreneurs into business app owners as it gives these application owners a commission every time the app is used to make a booking for any services that need a handyman. As more and more handymen register on the app, the number of customers also increases. The range of services that these apps cater to is pretty huge thereby ensuring that this is a successful business venture always.