listening to podcasts

Do you like listening to audiobooks? Why not add any extra things to your to-do list when listening to your favourite podcast? When listening to podcasts, there are a plethora of things to do.

This is a favourite habit of those who enjoy listening to audiobooks. When listening to an audiobook of their choice, they can do a variety of other items.

Household chores such as washing, cleaning, and cooking have become even more convenient for women. Thanks to a large number of readily available audiobooks.

This article is for you if you enjoy listening to podcasts and want to do some light work while listening to them.

1: Exercise for 30 minutes and keep track of your calories

Exercise is just as critical as eating well. The best thing is that you can listen to an audiobook while exercising for 30 or even 45 minutes.

This will not only keep you fit and safe, but it will also provide you with a new way to listen to podcasts. When working out, many people listen to music. Instead of listening to such albums, spend your time working out while listening to a podcast.

2: Bathing while listening to a podcast

When taking a bath, you can also listen to a podcast. You may be wondering how this is possible. In the year 2021, new waterproof cellphone accessories have allowed you to listen to your favourite audio tracks while bathing. So, put your earphones in and take a relaxing bath.

3: Are you stressed out? Listen to a Real-Time Podcast

The greatest enemy of human wellbeing is tension. Nobody wants to be in a stressful environment. It’s a good idea to listen to your favourite audiobook even though you’re feeling stressed.

You’ll not only feel better, but you’ll also learn something new. The type of podcast you listen to will determine the depth of your learning. In short, listening to a podcast will undoubtedly assist you in de-stressing.

4: The Best of All Worlds: Gardening and Podcasting

Gardening is a common pastime. The best thing about gardening is that it helps you to engage in other events as well. For example, while tending to your garden’s sensitive plants, listen to a podcast.

Since this hobby can necessitate some time-consuming activities, it is best to invest in a single phone holder for podcasting. You can easily multitask with these phone holders.

5: Have Fun with Your Pets

Animals want our time and attention. You no longer have to be worried with something. When listening to a podcast or an audiobook, you can easily play with your pets.

You can also listen to pet-related podcasts to learn more about their health and wellbeing.

6: Take a stroll around the neighbourhood and do some window shopping.

Both men and women enjoy shopping. We are not criticizing just women for their shopping addiction.

You can now listen to a podcast while window shopping. You can also use a phone mount to listen to podcasts when doing your weekly grocery shopping.

7: Indulge in your favourite dish

This is the best thing to do when listening to podcasts out of all the options. Almost everybody enjoys eating his or her favourite meal at work or at home.

Now, spice up your meals even more by listening to podcasts. Using a mobile mount to focus on both items at the same time.

8: Grab a cup of coffee and listen to a podcast

Trying to come up with a new concept? How about a cup of coffee while listening to an intellectual’s podcast? It’s likely that you’ll come up with some new concepts.

In addition, a live podcast will help you brainstorm or simply enjoy your coffee in a new way.

9: On the Way Back to Your House

A busy day at work can be stressful. Listen to a podcast on your way home to relieve all of the extra tension.

This will put an end to the overthinking that occurs when an individual leaves the office. Arrive at your destination stress-free. That’s just what a podcast can help you with.

10: When You’re on A Long Drive

Long drives are a perfect way to pass the time on the weekends. Even a leisurely long drive will bring back that long-forgotten smile. Tune in to a live podcast instead of your old playlist to make your next long drive twice as enjoyable.

Final Thoughts:

So there are a plethora of activities to partake in while listening to podcasts. To put it another way, podcasting is a new form of entertainment.

It does not necessitate any special time, unlike other forms of entertainment. When listening to podcasts, you can get your housework done with ease. A pro tip: whether you’re driving or gardening, a mobile phone mount will be extremely useful.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.