Developers Succeed

In this post, we will review a list of habits and recommendations, which might enable developers to improve their job, personally and technically.
These are some basic behaviors and things you need to know when you work with a senior developer when you’re just starting out. Bonus tip, if you’re just starting out, you can check online resources, for instance, react js interview questions, to ace your interview, and get your career started on the right foot.

1. T-shaped developer focus

You know a lot and you know a couple of these things thoroughly.

For many years I’ve been developing back-end with Java. Yes, with React or Terraform, I can get the job done, but neither am I an expert.

2. Confidence in Q&A Documentation sites

I depended extensively on Q&A sites, such as stack overflow, to get answers in the early days of my software career. Over time, I moved to the first method of documenting, though.

3. Select the quality and quantity and concentrate on simplicity

Shift your attention to quality from speed and quantity and adopt best practices for software development, including SOLID, KISS, and DRY.

“Extreme sophistication is simplicity.” — Da Vinci, Leonardo

Always try and produce deadly, simple, readable, understandable, and maintainable code.

4. Test Always

A skilled developer will constantly advocate for the necessity of testing.

“To be shown innocent, all codes are culpable.” -Anonymous
Unit testing imposes write code, which can be tested — cod is low and highly coherent, indirectly.

5. Contribute to the happiness of developers and Junior Devs Guide

Take the initiative to increase codebase quality and contribute to the satisfaction of another developer — e.g. adding a code coverage tool or linter; automating a laborious manual procedure, like deploying or backup; docking complex processes; fixing tests that are occasionally failing; etc.

As a senior developer, use your expertise and experience to aid you in becoming a better developer while working with young developers. The post “Key Habits and Things I Wish that I Knew Earlier as a Developer” for example emphasizes several basic habits and abilities that may enable developers to improve their activities.

6. Organization of one-on-one; feedback from and get

A one-on-one encounter (1:1), which generally lasts for 30-45 minutes, is casual and recurrent. Usually, it has flexible or no agendas every two weeks or months.

This meeting may be held in any environment and utilized as a means of feedback and receipt; synchronizes and speaks of work, life, job difficulties, and so on.
Note: feedback should be mentioned as a delicate process and how the recipient desires to receive feedback is crucial to know.

7. Participate in releases of products

In some firms, the release of the product is 100% automated using the CI/CD pipeline and is either semi-automated or manual.

If the release, hotfix, or rollback procedures are manual or semi-automated where you are working, then you are interested in this rhythm.

8. Join the panel

If feasible, get on the interview panel depending on how your firm is doing its interviews.

Many may be learned through participating in an interview panel. An interview isn’t simple. Make sure you and the company are comfy and discover solutions to your queries and get to know you and the firm. Leave a fantastic and good experience for the interviewee.

9. Helpful knowledge and findings document

There are many things that may be documented – for instance, your discoveries or research on a topic, how a service or product operates, or anything that other developers find useful, or that bridges a knowledge gap.

Documentation may be a tiresome task, but when a new team member arrives it plays an important function.

10. Secure your code

Do not forget to empathize with the author for his hard work while examining a pull request and save reviewed remarks that are useful and sensible. You always have to be aware of your code, my tip is that you should be using code obfuscation to secure your code.

11. Write Better Git Commits and embrace bugs

Welcome to investigation, understanding, and bug fixing chances. You gain praise and respect from your peers, as well as learning and improving problem-solving skills.

Take your Git commitments as a developer to the next level by arranging your modifications to meaningful commitments, squash duplicate commitments before the merger, and producing significant commit messages.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.