Few women of fashion have never encountered a situation where, among the many things, it is quite difficult to choose those that look as harmoniously as possible together. And if there are such outfits, then their number is significantly less than clothes that you do not know what to wear with.but if you have organize Built in sliding door Wardrobe then it can make your cloths organize and keep your room clean
This state of affairs often becomes a reason for jokes, but what if you look at the issue more seriously? We, in the character of a Fashionable Lady, did just that, and now we invite you to study with us 5 recommendations that will allow you to put your wardrobe in full order!
Do you really want to wear absolutely all the clothes that you have in your wardrobe? Then you must definitely develop the habit of thinking in images, and not just evaluating a particular blouse, trousers or skirt at the time of purchase.
Only if you immediately understand what you can wear with the thing that you like, it is worth purchasing it. If you know that you cannot create a beautiful tandem, it is better to avoid such a purchase. After all, it is very likely that she will remain in the closet, and will not decorate your figure.
Even if you have a wonderful sense of style and a talent for beautifully combining things with each other, innate or brought up from childhood, you certainly need to clearly know the features of your figure.
You’ve definitely noticed how sometimes an outfit looks great on a mannequin, but as soon as you put it on, both the smoothness of the forms and the brightness of the color disappear somewhere? So, the reason is not at all in the clothes itself, but precisely in your color type and type of figure.
If you know these features well, you can:
Avoid unnecessary spending on clothes that you will never wear later
try on good outfits right away and really enjoy shopping
more accurately and successfully to select things online, when there is no way to immediately arrange a fitting.
black stylish jacket
Basic are things that both easily combine with each other and create harmonious tandems with clothes of different styles. What distinguishes such things from others is laconicism, the absence of excessive decor, high quality fabrics, neutral colors (but not necessarily black, white and dark blue!), Monochromatic design.
The Fitted wardrobes Birmingham cannot be the same for everyone, since it must necessarily reflect the features of your particular lifestyle. After all, if for some fashionistas the base certainly implies blue denim and a casual version of the top, for others it is dark straight trousers and a classic official blouse.
retro blouse
The importance of basic clothes can hardly be overestimated, but at the same time, every fashionista wants to have not just outfits that suit her, but also those that are the most fashionable
According to stylists, a wardrobe is considered balanced and well-composed, where 70% -80% is the base, and the remaining 20% -30% are ultra-fashionable outfits.
Another significant bonus of this approach: it will be much easier for you to pick up any trendy thing, because you will immediately understand what exactly you can wear it with.
Really stylish looks are often created when you are not afraid to combine different colors, textures and even styles in one outfit. A striking example of this is sports chic, where the convenience and comfort of
sportswear is in tandem with the tenderness and beauty of a wide variety of decorative elements (letters, lace, beads, sequins).
But it is not at all necessary to wear a sport-chic suit. An outfit of one style, for example, a romantic one, can also play in a completely new way in contrast. A flying tulle skirt and a cozy knitted sweater, an unusual color combination, a dress embroidered with sequins or laces and a jacket made of dense fabric that retains its shape, or a jacket made of eco-leather. Do not be afraid of extraordinary combinations and you will be surprised how chic your look will turn out!