Let’s say you have a message you want to send out to your customers right now. You may be launching a new product or having a sale. Well according to research, your best bet at getting your message read and also getting a response is by using text blast marketing.
What is text blast marketing?
Text blast marketing is a type of SMS marketing. Basically, in SMS marketing you send out promotional campaigns, alerts, and transaction-related messages for the purpose of marketing. You use text messages as a convenient means of reaching out to people.
In-text blast marketing, you send out an SMS text message to a large number of people at the same time. The purpose of this message can be a sale alert, a product alert, exclusive deals, or even just a request for feedback.
Connect with your customers quicker and more effectively! Text blast marketing is an incredible way of reaching out and connecting with your customers. These days everyone’s practically attached to their smartphones. We carry them with us everywhere. The easiest way to reach someone is through a quick text. So why not utilize this to market and connect to customers?
Text blast marketing and SMS message marketing are some of the most effective marketing methods today. Almost everyone in your customer base either has access to a smartphone or at the bare minimum a regular phone. Text blasts can be sent out to both!
Plus, text open rates are incredibly high compared to open rates of other digital marketing methods. It’s just way more convenient to open a text message than it is to open an email. It’s also so much quicker to absorb the information sent out via text. If you have an elaborate, long message, text blast marketing may not be the right option to convey that message. Text blasts are usually kept short and to the point. (But you can always use text blast marketing to direct people to a website with your message)
How does text blast marketing work?
Now that you have an understanding of what text blast marketing generally is, let’s look into how it works.
People opt-in for your promotional texts
It is highly important that people in your “subscription list” (the people you send out messages to) have explicitly consented to receive your messages. In-store sign-ups, promotional emails, and exclusive offers for subscription list members can encourage people to sign up. Once people opt-in for your messages, you can use text blast marketing with these customers.
You hire a text blast/ SMS marketing service
The next step is to use a service specializing in text blast marketing. Look into services and ensure they provide your required features. If you have a very large audience, make sure the service is able to handle a large number of texts.
You can look into other perks they may offer as well as per your requirements. Free trials can be used for better understanding as well. Once you select a service, the list of consenting customers can be uploaded.
Composing the text
Using text blast marketing is different from other digital marketing in that there is less complex graphic use or use of images and long paragraphs. The message is short and concise. The text should highlight the benefit the customer will gain and any links needed.
Sending a text blast
After this, the text blast is scheduled for a specific time and the service sends it out to your customers.
Text blast marketing is highly dependent on how frequently phones are used today. People generally keep the notifications for their text messages on. Along with this people on the receiving end of this type of marketing have explicitly opted for it. This makes them more likely to engage and open the message. People also read texts within 90 seconds of receiving them making them more likely to open and see your message. Along with this, text blast marketing also caters to attention spans and as it’s short and direct, more people are likely to read them fully.
Text blasts marketing has been and will remain a cost-effective, efficient way of relaying messages and building connections with customers. They have reliable delivery, are a direct line to your customer and can even complement other marketing strategies. During a time where customers are attached to their phones, this can be a handy marketing tool to enhance your business growth!