Roadblock advertising up until now was all about full-page ads via print media or a form of print advertising. However, as the world is transforming more towards the digital age, the roadblock advertising is also changing.
Letting people know about a brand, a new product launch, or about any service we all look for advertising ideas. With different types of advertising and further sub-divisions in them, what we mainly keep in mind while looking for advertising agencies is, the product matches the customer’s demand and targets a particular region where there are high rates of sales.
Although, there are many such products in the market that needs to be advertised worldwide, for reaching a wider audience to gain more sales. And for such advertising, there are hundreds of options. However, if we specifically talk about Roadblock Advertising through two of the most impactful advertising forms: Print Media and Digital Media.
Where roadblock advertising is indeed the best way to gain engagement and attention of a maximum number audience. By owning 100% of the voice for a specific period of time and running multiple ads exclusively across all advertising units on a page. In this digital era, it all depends on choosing the right mode for advertising.
Print Media Advertising:
In the 19th and 20th centuries, there was no better option for marketing and advertising for any product, service, brand, or business rather than print media. Regardless of the size of the business, big or small, print media advertising has been the best and the most subtle mode of advertising.
Print media advertising is done by newspapers, magazines, flyers, pamphlets, direct mail such as postcards, and many other print techniques. It has never been costly, but surely an effective form of advertising. With this form of advertising, a product seller can easily target almost the whole local region.
Now if you might be wondering how roadblock advertising was a part of print media advertising. Let’s recall its definition together. Roadblock advertising stands for advertising a single product on a single page, either for a day or multiple times in a week.
Having a whole page advertisement on either newspaper or in the magazine, via flyers or postcards. The idea strategy is denoted as roadblock advertising and the mode chosen for the same in print media advertising.
Now if a person looks at the same advertisement on a newspaper’s front page multiple times a week, it is obvious that the advertisement would leave an impression on the viewer’s mind. And if the same advertisement is viewed by a hundred people, it would leave the same impression.
With this technique of adopting print media advertising as roadblock advertising, a businessperson can clearly notice the difference in the hike in the sale of their product.
Digital Age Advertising:
It is not a lie that the era we are living in completely belongs to the digital age. With technology evolving every day, and new inventions taking place. We are creating a digital sphere around us with every passing second.
If print media advertising was the king of the 19th and 20th centuries. Then this digital age advertising is the ace of all times for the 21st century and surely for the times that are yet to come.
In today’s time, almost every person is addicted to their phones irrespective of their age. And this has become the reason for businesspersons to take their advertising game through digital channels.
Similar to the many modes of print media advertising, there is a variety of advertising too in the digital age advertising. Some of the examples are social media, email, YouTube ads, and Google ads. One of the highly opted advertising modes in this digital age is roadblock advertising.
Now when it comes to roadblock advertising through digital channels, this combination suits the best in reaching a wider audience on the national level. As the roadblock advertising offers 100% share of voice for either a specific day or for multiple days in a week, advertising digitally is done in a few clicks.
The digital age roadblock advertising helps businesspersons as they can promote and increase their brand’s value and awareness. Even within a short duration of time such as a day, the roadblock ads leave an impact on the audience.
The digital age advertising surely brings in many competitors who at similar times can use the same technique to gain more engagement. As the roadblock advertising is a strategy of media planning. And in digital media, it takes place when a brand books all the slots and different websites for announcing a new product for a specific time.
Advertising through this mode won’t allow any other advertiser to display on the same page for that particular time.
From Print Media to Digital Age:
Up until now, we have seen how print media and digital media have been helpful with roadblock advertising. However, this change hasn’t come immediately, but over with time.
Either in print form or in digital mode, roadblock advertising has been a great mode of advertising. Where on one hand the print media roadblock advertising helps in targeting the local or regional audience and leaving an impact on them. The digital age, on the other hand, helps in targeting audiences nation wise. Creating a huge impact irrespective of state, returning with some higher levels of engagement.
(CONCLUSION:) Roadblock advertising has never been just a simple part of advertising for leaving a huge impact on the audience. However, with the transformation in eras, from print media to digital media, the roadblock advertising strategy and techniques have just enhanced if nothing else.