FUE hair transplant

Are you going through a rough patch due to a hair loss condition? As this medical skin condition affects many people, men and women of mid or older ages, you are not alone. Although the condition can be devastating, especially if you are young, there are several available treatments one can seek to get rid of it. You can go for hair loss medication, but it’s only used to stop hair loss, not grow hair. 

If you are looking for the most effective way to treat hair loss, having a hair transplant procedure is the best way. Two approaches are used in the hair transplant procedure. One of them is known as the FUE hair transplant. FUE stands for follicular unit extraction. The other technique is called the FUT hair transplant, which stands for follicular unit transplantation. 

Today, we are focusing on the FUT hair transplant procedure and the five reasons why it is one of the preferable treatments. Read on for a better understanding. 

What is a FUT Hair Transplant Technique? 

Unlike the FUE hair transplant, the FUT procedure takes a shorter time because hair grafts are harvested from a strip of skin and not one by one. The doctor performing the strip surgery removes hair grafts from the back of the patient’s head. After that, individual hair follicles are extracted and implanted in the recipient site. Follicular unit transplantation, also called follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS), works more effectively for men suffering from male pattern baldness. That’s because it is used to cover receding hairlines. 

Reasons for FUT Hair Transplant 

1.  Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedure 

People prefer the FUT hair transplant because it is less invasive. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area by cutting out a strip of skin containing healthy hair. After that, hair transplant technicians remove individual hair follicles, which are later transferred to the balding areas. This makes it a perfect procedure to treat a hair loss patient with patchy hair loss areas in the scalp. Although it leaves a linear scar, it won’t be visible once hair starts growing after complete recovery. The procedure works better for those who prefer keeping their hair long. 

2. Takes a Shorter Time 

Opting for the FUT surgery procedure is better if you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the surgery room. When performing the FUE hair transplant procedure, the surgeon uses a punch device to remove individual hair follicles. This takes a lot of time because hair strands are extracted one by one. On the other hand, the FUT procedure is used to harvest hair by removing a strip of skin containing hair follicles from the donor area, which is much faster. The FUE hair transplant takes 8 to 10 hours, while the FUT c takes about 4 to 8 hours.

3. Higher Hair Graft Survival Rate 

In FUT, the survival rate of hair follicles is increased. The reason being that there is no risk of damaging hair strands when harvesting hair because the surgeon will use a scalpel to cut out the strip containing hair follicles. In FUE, where the surgeon uses a punch-like device to extract hair, there is a high risk of graft hair getting damaged. The device is sharp and cuts around individual hair follicles. This may cut the hair follicles beneath the scalp. This reduces the survival rate of extracted hair follicles. 

4. Perfect for Treating Extensive Hair Loss 

The FUT hair transplant procedure is preferred because the doctor can use this method to treat balding areas of the scalp that had extensive hair loss. No matter how large the receiving area, it can be treated using the FUT approach depending on how dense or healthy your hair is in the donor area. The best part is that the doctor will perform the procedure based on the patient’s needs, which helps achieve a more natural and permanent look. Most hair loss treatments such as medication will only stop hair loss and not help you regrow your hair. 

5. FUT is More Affordable 

Considering that the results of having a FUT hair transplant are permanent and produce a more natural look, it is affordable than other hair loss treatments. The treatment costs between $4,000 to $10,000 depending on the size of the recipient area. The FUE hair transplant procedure costs between $10,000 to $15,000. Both approaches will give you the same effective outcome, making FUT quite affordable than other forms of treatment. 


The hair transplantation industry has come a long way, and many unique and effective techniques are now used to treat hair loss. Hair transplant has proved to be the most effective method for hair restoration. This technique takes two approaches, which are FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures. As we have discussed above, there are many benefits that the FUT approach provides. It is therefore important to seek consultation from a physician first before opting for any hair restoration treatment. 

Author Bio:

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at beverlyhillshr.comHe is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful online business.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.