Key Opinion

Has a Key Opinion Leader (“KOL”) influenced the public to try your firm’s brands? Today, business analysts believe some individuals and entities serve as KOLs online. Their opinions frequently inspire consumer action. They often reflect emerging trends that will eventually resonate across a wide cross-section of online visitors.

A Labor Intensive Process

Enterprises interested in tracking the Key Opinion Leader(s) in their niche markets often face a challenging task. Even identifying a KOL sometimes requires a big commitment of time and energy. The process demands both intimate brand knowledge and the patience required to perform copious research online. Small wonder many businesses prefer to automate this labor-intensive project whenever possible.

A Key Opinion Leader often enjoys celebrity status. Yet in many cases, the most representative brand KOL simply helps form public opinions within a niche marketplace, without necessarily garnering widespread media attention. Astute marketers appreciate the vital importance of obtaining insights from these opinion setters. For example, placing online ads on a Key Opinion Leader website potentially multiplies the impact of the promotional message many times over compared with other ad placements. The bottom line: this strategy may greatly assist businesses in targeting an Internet advertising budget to enjoy optimal impact.

An Important Aspect of Brand Development

For example, a startup brand’s development team may desire to create a distinctive image for an innovative product. Yet many newly created product lines don’t enjoy widespread recognition within the commercial marketplace. While large numbers of consumers may instantly recognize the name of a well-established competitor, a novel product typically lacks this advantage. The marketers may face an uphill battle creating goodwill for a relatively unknown new brand.

By identifying a Key Opinion Leader, the marketers gain an important advantage. It becomes possible to optimize dollars spent delineating a brand image and promoting the product to interested consumers. Instead of wasting limited resources placing ads in front of the general public, the brand owner obtains a much better opportunity to narrow and refine its target audience. Would you rather create an initial impression of your product by sending email ads to a million casually interested consumers or to 50,000 committed prospects? Identifying a KOL and the KOL’s online network often permits firms to streamline promotions and cut costs in a powerful way.

Stimulating Word-of-Mouth-Advertising

A brand KOL not only assists marketing teams in identifying interested prospects, this influential individual (or entity) may actually help promote the product via a network of like-minded followers. For example, a KOL readily influences others within a social circle. 

During previous generations, companies sometimes sought recommendations from radio broadcasters or television hosts for their products. This practice recognizes the ability of a popular KOL to help influence public opinion in favor of a brand. The rapid expansion of the Internet has created exciting opportunities today for small companies to conduct more effective branding using online resources. Identifying the best KOL for your unique products or services helps concentrate online marketing efforts more cost-effectively.

Harnes a Cutting-Edge Tool

NetBased Quid creates market research and analytical platforms used by enterprises in numerous industries. These powerful tools help businesses of every size gain valuable insights. Use products like NetBase Pro and Quid Social to assist your firm in acquiring a competitive marketplace edge. Identify and follow a Key Opinion Leader in your field to optimize your online presence. Today, KOLs mold and shape public attitudes in virtually every economic sector. Take the opportunity to benefit from their trend-setting impacts!

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.