Learning can be a lot of fun if presented in the right way. While some children enjoy every second of their learning process, others struggle with staying focused on what’s being taught and lose interest in the subject matter rather quickly. However, you can do plenty in helping your child want to learn with more enthusiasm. With a few strategies up your sleeve, your little one will fall in love with the school and get ready for a new day with much more motivation and enthusiasm.
Offer them variety
It’s essential to introduce your child to a full spectrum of experiences. They should become familiar with various subjects and sciences so that they can discover what they enjoy learning about. Furthermore, they’ll also gain perspective to what they’re good at, which will later be a valuable pointer for their higher education. Introduce them to music, physics, nature, chemistry, languages, mathematics, astronomy, wildlife and all those subjects that maybe you have never learned about.
Introduce them to a healthy learning environment
Another way to motivate children to learn and enjoy staying in school is to offer them a healthy learning environment. Being surrounded by their peers and dedicated teachers will allow them to develop their skills and enjoy learning. Facilities such as West Ryde child care centre offer premium learning experiences and provide children with a fun, interesting and healthy learning environment. They’ll spend their days learning through fun activities, spending time with their peers and have the chance to prepare for higher education in the best way possible.
Let them spend time learning about things they enjoy
Your child should have some saying in what they want to learn about. Not every person is made to learn about math or biology. Let your child explore the world around them and decide what they have a knack for. That way, you’ll see what piques their interest and what are the subjects that they least enjoy learning about. If they love spending time outdoors, have them hang out around the backyard with your supervision and learn about plants, animals, and the outdoors in general.
Are they more interested in painting, drawing, or doodling? Don’t pressure them into spending more time dealing with chemistry or maths if art comes naturally to them. Let them express themselves and encourage their development by offering all the support for what inspires them.
Talk to them about their insecurities
Some children have a difficult time choosing what they want to learn about or are simply too scared to openly talk about what interests them. To make sure they can be as open-minded about their learning as possible, it’s essential that you talk to them about their insecurities. Fears, lack of self-esteem and insecurities can easily be a great setback, preventing your child from making any progress.
Therefore, have an honest and supporting conversation with your kid. Reassure them about their doubts and make sure you’re supportive all the way through. Don’t forget to mention that everybody is scared of making a big step in their life but that fears can also be one of the biggest motivators. When we face them and overcome them, it will feel more gratifying than anything else.
See which learning style is best for them
Did you know that some children learn best through reading, while others need to listen to the lessons for the information to stay in their memory? That’s called having different learning styles, and there’s more than two. Namely, visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, and reading/writing learning styles are the four basic learning styles that people can have.
Some people can have a mixture of several, or they can have just one. Make sure you check and see whether your child learns best through watching, listening, reading, writing or feeling. That will be of great importance in their education, both at a young age and when they reach high school and then university.
Always praise them
Positive reinforcement has always been one of the best policies for motivation. Therefore, make sure you never fail to praise your child’s achievements, no matter how big or small they are. Knowing that they’ve done well will make them try harder the next time and achieve even better results. Even if they don’t get high scores on their tests or competitions, support them and console them. Don’t judge or hold that against them because that will have negative effects on their learning.
Final thoughts
Motivating children to learn isn’t always easy, but it is manageable after all. Just make sure you’re there for your kid and that you’re always supportive. Introduce them to a variety of learning8 subjects and fields and allow them to find what they’re good at on their own. Guide them through the process and be their safe harbour to come to when they need to talk, and you’ll have no trouble making your child want to go to school every day.
Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business and marketing and is a regular contributor on several websites.