
When a marriage no longer works, it’s best to part ways and start a new life for yourself and your children. But it is not that as it is said. The divorce process is hardcore complicated, mainly about the division of assets. So the most important step one must take after the divorce is to hire a divorce lawyer to secure financial stability. Finding the right separation (Divorce) lawyer in Surrey isn’t hard, as many reputed law firms are in the city. But you must be careful while choosing your attorney, as it can make a difference in your legal battle. By understanding the significant role of divorce lawyers in securing a fair asset division, you can make an informed decision. Let’s get started.

Understanding the Role of a Divorce Lawyer

Understanding how a divorce lawyer in Surrey can help you in your legal battle is essential. As we know, divorce lawyers are legal experts who specialize in handling divorce matter cases. They are well acquainted with family law expertise and knowledge. They understand the local laws and regulations that apply to the matter. Different jurisdictions employ different rules and regulations, so it’s also a consideration when choosing the right lawyer for your case.

Lawyers have a crucial role in representing clients’ interests during a divorce. They are responsible for ensuring that their client’s rights are safeguarded and that they receive a fair share of marital assets. 

To proceed with the divorce, assessing and discussing your circumstances with your lawyer is essential. Based on this, your lawyer will help you understand the legal aspects of asset division. They will explain different asset types, such as property, bank accounts and investments. Divorce lawyers have experience in evaluating the value of your assets. They help you determine your worth of various properties or investments. So during the division process, you have an accurate picture of what is at stake.

Evaluating Marital Assets

During the divorce process, there is a need to evaluate the assets accumulated during the marriage. With the help of this, it is easy to determine how assets should be divided between spouses. Lawyers play an essential role in helping their clients with this assessment. A lawyer will ensure nothing is overlooked during the process of division by creating a detailed list of assets which will include the family home, bank accounts and other valuable possessions. Once these assets of the division are identified, the lawyer will work with the client to gather the necessary financial information and documentation. These documents may include tax returns, bank statements, property deeds and investment portfolios. Once this information is collected, the lawyer can understand the couple’s financial situation and make informed decisions regarding asset division. After collecting financial information, divorce lawyers will assess the value of these assets. This step is performed to determine the worth of each asset and its potential impact on the division process. Depending on the types of assets, valuation methods also vary. Let’s understand this with the help of an example, real estate properties require an appraisal, while financial investments need to be evaluated based on their market value.

This thorough evaluation ensures all assets are accounted for, and a fair division can be achieved. Along with this, it also helps prevent any hidden assets or attempts to undervalue specific properties. 

Factors Affecting Asset Division

Several factors come into play when it’s about dividing assets. Depending upon the laws of different jurisdictions, these factors vary. But still, there are some common considerations that lawyers need to ensure a fair asset division. Here are those key factors:

1. Duration of the Marriage

The length of marriage can affect the division of assets in a marriage. In general, the longer the marriage, the more there are chances of equal division or in a way that ensures both parties are financially secure.

2. Contributions of Each Spouse

Lawyers also evaluate the contributions made by each spouse during marriage. These financial contributions may include such income as investments. 

Divorce lawyers evaluate the contributions made by each spouse during the marriage. This includes financial contributions such as income and investments and non-financial contributions such as homemaking, child-rearing, and supporting the other spouse’s career.

3. Individual Financial Circumstances

The financial circumstances of each spouse are considered carefully. They take into account the financial situation of each party. It’s important to note that goal is not necessarily equal but equitable. This means the division must be fair, and it should consider the unique circumstances of each case.

Financial and Tax Implications

To ensure a fair division, it is essential to consider all the factors. Dividing assets during divorce can have significant financial and tax implications. 

A. Division of Complex Assets

Divorce lawyers help divide complex assets, such as real estate, investments, businesses and retirement accounts. They work to assess the value of these assets to determine a fair distribution. 

B. Addressing Debts and Liabilities

Besides assets, divorce also involves addressing debts and liabilities acquired during the marriage. A divorce lawyer helps identify and properly allocate these financial obligations between the spouses.

C. Understanding Tax Consequences

There are tax implications involved with divorce that need to be understood and addressed. 

How the division of assets may impact taxes, such as capital gains tax or tax implications related to alimony or child support, can be explained to you in a detailed way by the lawyer.

By considering the financial and tax aspects of asset division, divorce lawyers in Surrey assist their clients in making informed decisions that protect their financial well-being post-divorce.


To make sure assets are divided fairly when couple gets divorced, divorce lawyers are needed. They possess expertise in family law and have a deep understanding of the local laws and regulations that apply to divorce cases. They work closely with clients to figure out what assets they have and make sure nothing is left out. There are various aspects, divorce lawyers help their clients make informed decisions that protect their financial well being post divorce. That’s why hiring a competent lawyer is crucial in securing a fair asset division and ensuring financial stability during and after the divorce process.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.