Holland Park General Practice

The best way to approach medical treatment is by going to a Holland Park General Practice with a good reputation and great doctors working together as a team for years. This ensures you can get the right care from those who know you best and those who know your medical history the best, as well as those who are with you as your life changes and as your health conditions, change over time as well as those who know the local medical community the best, including all local hospitals and specialists, etc.


When you move to a new community, it’s important to get to know your neighbours. Going to see your doctor each year provides that continuity of care is important for ensuring you get all your health care issues addressed. With continuity of care, your Holland Park General Practice doctor will also know what medications and treatments have treated previous conditions. Plus, if one medical speciality isn’t working for you, continuity makes it easier for you and your doctor to find another kind of health care professional who can provide better solutions. It would help if you had that continuity of care, especially when moving into a new area where doctors are less familiar with you or past treatments may have failed because they weren’t fully understood by someone else in an unfamiliar setting.


Holland Park General Practice offices are open seven days a week, and we offer convenient hours to help you fit in healthcare visits around your busy schedule. Most medical providers provide weekend and evening appointments so you can see them when it’s most convenient for you. If your family is sick, you may have missed work or been forced to take time off from school. With a general practice care provider, all of these factors don’t matter—you go when it works best for you. And many offices have extended hours that can help accommodate anyone who has difficulty getting away from work during regular business hours.

Health Maintenance

Visiting a general practitioner regularly helps patients maintain their health and catch conditions early before they have a chance to become severe. A strong relationship with your Holland Park General Practice doctor can help you gain better insight into your condition and treatment plan, which allows you to feel more empowered as an active participant in your healthcare. In addition, doctors’ appointments are often covered by insurance plans—and even if not, they tend to be significantly cheaper than visits with specialists or emergency rooms. According to one study, physician office visits cost less than half as much as trips to a hospital emergency room. Visiting a general practitioner regularly is an affordable way of staying healthy without breaking your bank account.

Early Detection

While there are no guarantees, having regular checkups can alert you to possible health issues before they become serious. General practice practitioners often perform diagnostic tests that prevent misdiagnosis by specialists. For example, if your GP notices high blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat, they may refer you to a specialist for testing. Early detection saves lives!

Better Communication

You won’t have to deal with an overwhelming array of specialists, so it’s easier to get to know your doctor and build a rapport. People who receive general practice care tend to feel more connected with their doctors. Plus, communicating is easier when you can discuss your health without worrying about sending someone into a panic by mentioning an unrelated medical condition that may fall outside of their area of expertise.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.