Most companies agree – the traditional, manual process of getting a contract signed can be quite a chore. Imagine having to hand over a contract in person for it to be signed, only to find that the person who has to sign it is not available, or the customer wants to read the document calmly before signing it so that you end up with empty hands without electronic signature Online apps.
Another option is to fax the document, inform your customer that it has been faxed, and then wait patiently for the customer to sign and fax it back. If your customer does not have a fax machine, you can also use e-mail – the customer must then print out the document, sign it, scan it, and then e-mail it back to you. And if your customer is busy, this process of electronic signature contract can take a few days – which for companies can mean lost sales.
Services that electronic signature Online play in the current era
This is where electronic signatures like DocSignPro and DocuSign come into play. More and more companies are using these services to have their contracts signed faster and more conveniently. They just remove a lot of the hassle associated with the manual process of signing contracts, which makes it a lot easier for employees to get more deals done.
E-SIGN Act 2000
You may be wondering if electronic signatures online are legal? Yes, Bill Clinton signed the federal E-SIGN Act on October 1, 2000, which renders free electronic signatures in the word file as the equivalent of a personally signed or written signature in a commercial transaction.
Both DocSignPro and DocuSign are two of the most popular electronic signature services available to people and they are fully E-SIGN Act compliant so you don’t have to worry while using their services.
The process to Sign documents online
How exactly does the process work? First, add your document to be signed, which can be in various formats, such as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file, electronically sign word document, Microsoft Excel file, and many others. Then add the people who need to sign the document – it can be just one person or a range of people.
These people will then receive an email notifying them of the document to be signed. Then they can just type in their name or initials or draw their name or initials whichever they prefer, except the signature, and then you will receive an email that the customer has signed. Simple, easy, and effortless!
Both you, the sender, and the customer, the signer, can access the signed documents to download or print them if necessary, or simply to save and save a copy of them. Both DocSignPro and DocuSign take a ton of steps to ensure that you and your data are protected with state-of-the-art security so that you can sleep with peace of mind.
Easy to Use
But perhaps the best part about electronic signature services is the fact that they are so easy to use. They are easy to understand, there is nothing to install or download, and everything is laid out in a clear and straightforward manner so the chances of problems are very low.
Customers are always provided with consumer information so that they know they have given their consent to do business via electronic communications so that there are no problems later. Really, many companies have found that using DocSignPro or DocuSign has really increased their ROI.
It has enabled them to stay ahead of the competition, save time and money, so they can focus more on customer-based activities and other aspects of their Company, such as customer service. With these e-signature sites providing such excellent services, companies can now sign their contracts quickly so they can focus more on adding value to their customers.
Satisfied Customers
Customers are also very satisfied with the use of electronic signatures for signing contracts. You save yourself the hassle of printing, scanning, or faxing documents. Customers even have the option to sign a document with their smartphone, which is a really handy feature.
Both DocSignPro and DocuSign have different plans and prices that don’t weigh too much on the pockets, especially given the value they offer. You can even try the services for free to see if it works for you, although you may have limited access to all of the features the website has to offer.
So make sure your business isn’t left in the dust while your competitors take advantage of the most advanced technology available today. Try using the electronic signatures online app on the next set of contracts you want to have signed – you will surely be pleasantly surprised at how easy and convenient these services are.