Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management Software, DAM is known to store, handle, and distribute rich media files in the central location. The rich media files that are known to be attached with it include photos, audio, video, documents, presentations, creative files, and much more. Enterprise’s investment in the DAM software is either small or big, but they drive large value by storing them in the centralized digital library. It gives the individual access to the employees, contractors, clients, and different other stakeholders.  

DAM systems are generally implemented by the marketing and operations teams to make way for their online brands. These are not limited to marketing but can also be used by the product teams who need up-to-date assets when building products. Every brand is open to leverage the brand assets with this software.

Such products have wide use in duplicating the organization assets to negligible and maintaining up-to-date collections considering the assets’ security. Businesses also own their DAM administrators to talk about these assets and enforce the specific tags used to organize them. DAM has more usage in handling large files as these are known for storing branded rich media files. They provide more cloud storage space than any typical content management system. They make use of the more powerful importing and exporting capabilities to move a large number of files.

It doubles the value when it gets integrated with other tools too in the business itself. Besides storing and organizing the digital media assets, it also offers functionality such as workflow automation, usage tracking, and integrations with different software. These present the creative processes that also streamline all other customer experience process.

What does DAM do?

It works on the DAM operational efficiencies that are creation, organization, collaboration, distribution, storage, and performance measurement.


With the help of the DAM, the enterprises can scale up the projects by performing the integrations with the most creative tools such as Adobe Creative Suite, video editors, and project management applications. This can certainly create new assets without any hassle.


Brands are comprised of assets and are infinitely producing them. The truth of organizing that it holds is usable for the tracking of digital content. With its advanced search capabilities, it brings the tags and filters to quickly retrieve files from the asset libraries irrespective of their size.


Users are liable to comment down, pin the annotations, make the edits and streamline the whole review and approval process. It is extendable to any asset type or media content, from simple documents to design files and videos. Anyone can have access and update files from any location so that the teams can collaborate with the right people.


DAM system allows you to distribute the assets using public or private links, and one can easily set expiration dates for links. It embeds the assets directly into your website so that the visitors and media outlets can access the up-to-date logos, bios, and brand imagery. Whenever the new asset gets added or edited, the entire data will be automatically updated at the distribution point.

Now, DAM exists in different forms for certain purposes.

Brand Asset Management:

This integrated cornet of the DAM software allows the easy management of the brand assets, including images, marketing collaterals, and different software. The system across the organization highly praises its context and engagement.

Production Asset Management:

It heavily has a focus on the editing process in managing the media file’s lifecycle. It includes high flexibility, powerful functionality, and true automation for the present and future media-centric businesses. You will be capable of streamlining your image, video, and all other digital assets production.

Library Asset Management:

These have a focus on the storage and retrieval of large sums of changing media assets. All the revision control of media is managed under the library asset management.

Why use a Digital Asset Management System?

  • When you are having trouble finding the content on your enterprise shared drive.
  • When you just got some outdated campaign content and no updates placed over a single place.

If these sound like your enterprise issues, then it is high time you need to consider Digital Asset Management Tool.

The advantages you can attain from Digital Asset Management System:

Do you want to keep the internal and external systems managed well upon a single query or statement? This permits for the fastest access to the files, automated workflows, and the capability to manage permissions for the different assets. Let us check it out in brief:

  • Find the digital assets quickly within a little time
  • Customize the asset organization
  • All such collaborations on a single platform
  • Abides the digital content duplication
  • Ensure unused digital assets
  • Access and share files with anyone, anytime and at any place.
  • Generate and collaborate on digital assets in a single place
  • Easy distribution of the company’s content across different digital channels such as CMS, social media, and much more.
  • Manage the brand consistency
  • Setting up expiration dates for the licensed assets
  • Recognize the chances for the different digital assets
  • Analyzing how assets are performing when they are used by the liable person.

Who can use digital asset management?

Generally, DAM is used by two types of users: Internal or External.

Internal Users:

The Designers Ones:

It indulges the graphic designers and photographers in accessing the branded assets and uploading new creative files for review and distribution. These users would love to get interfered with the built-in integrations for the tools like Adobe Creative Suite and project management software.

The Sales & Marketing Ones:

The sales & marketing teams would collaborate on the branded campaigns for the best sales pitches and presentations.

The IT team:

These professionals can get highly benefit from DAM by freeing the burden on the resources for managing the permissions and the maintenance of the systems. With the help of seamless integrations and API connection, it has the capability to streamline the data and the personalized configurations.

External Users:

The Agencies:

DAM system permits the agencies to share the assets with the external clients, take the client feedback and scale up the projects from pending to approved.

Contractors & Partners:

Companies avail the assets to the external contractors and partners as its being the part of the campaigns to sell the product or services or collaborate on the products.

Streamline your asset lifecycle today by acquiring DAM for your enterprise operations ease!

Author Bio: Liza Kosh is a senior content developer and blogger who loves to share her views on diverse topics. She is currently associated with Seasia Infotech, an IoT application development company. She holds great knowledge and experience in technical and creative writing.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.