One of the best lessons in business and entrepreneurship that one can realistically follow is that never back down on an opportunity to ride the change and that in each business venture one has to have a business model that is flexible or versatile enough to embrace and withstand change. There were so many who were ahead in terms of business profits and innovations but some did not last long because they thought that change is bad and that the system where they grew comfortable in can serve them forever, but it won’t.
Businesses should embrace change and innovation if it is deemed necessary for the survival of the enterprise. One of the latest trends today is the utility of robots in business, although some business owners are adamant about it, some readily used it and embraced with slow tide of digital age taking place. Here are some of the benefits of using such technology in your business.
Less Travel Cost
With a your double telepresence robot, there will be lesser time made for preparation and even lesser time and cost for travel because you as the employee would just be working from your home office and that your presence will still be felt in the office because you have this robot that you can control that can still function pretty well especially in the aspect of communications and instruction.
Lesser Safety Hazards
Because one is working from home and is only proxy by the robot machine then there will be lesser work safety hazards that can endanger the lives of the worker. Although to be realistic there are some industries and jobs in which such system can be applied, still its utility is broad and can be innovated to be used in a wider setting. For example, they have just started using such technology in buildings and constructions sites where engineers and architects can now monitor the development of the project using telepresence bots in the work site.
Emotional cues in Communication
With what is commonly happening there are lesser emotions used in communication in the workplace especially in terms of meetings and conferences because people need to save some time and internet data and with emotions connections seems to be taking a little bit longer and uses more resources, but with the advent and utility of such bots, there are more emotions used in workplace settings thus there is more efficiency in worker-to-worker commination because of such.
There would also be projected lesser nuisance events such as workplace quarrels because with these bots, everyone can see the faces of the people they are having communications with. Plus, trainings are a bit more fun with these bots.
The thing is that if you are the business owner, you do not have to purchase it right away, you can just study it and if it is applicable to your venture then you can start to learn to apply it, or study its application in your specific case, the important thing is you are open to the idea.