using AI for customer experience

Artificial intelligence is a booming technology that has already shown its potential in IT processes, sales, and marketing by automating specific functionalities. But its utilization isn’t just limited to those areas but supply chain and customer experience as well. Talking of customer experience, it has drastically reduced the efforts made by customer service executives to resolve problems. Using AI for customer experience, now you can even initiate the conversation with visitors when they come to your site. 

The best change AI brought to the customer experience is the availability of virtual assistants 24*7, in case customers need an answer to their query. These chatbots are so smart that they will ask your query and resolve it before a blink of an eye. Though I’m not telling that they provide optimal answers to all users’ questions but they are in some sense “sufficient”. As of the current scenario, AI-based chatbots are only not good for handling complex questions of customers. For the rest, they are the best. However, using AI for customer experience in the current stage guarantees to reduce human intervention to a great extent.

Why should you use AI for customer experience enhancement?  

1 – Easy personalization 

You can personalize the experience of your customers whenever they come to your website or online store. This will let them know that you have kept them on your consideration list. Not much, but even a message like “Hi John, how may I help you today” will make a great difference to their experience. 

The next moment they will answer the question and thus the customer acquisition journey will start. You see, using AI for customer experience improvement will not only grow your sales from each customer but also make them loyal to your brand. And what could be the better way to generate a high ROI with a little effort?

2 – Easy email content curation 

Often, the in-house team members at companies spend hours creating and scheduling emails for a wide range of customers. What they don’t understand is customers are not demographic anymore, they are much like us, right? 

You need to understand them, their needs, and their preferences properly before you shoot them an un-personalized email. The reason? In a recent study, it has been found that personalized content is more effective than un-personalized content. That means, if you choose to create personalized emails for every customer, it’s more likely they will convert from prospects to customers sooner than later. 

3 – Improved service quality

If you have recently contacted a customer service executive online, perhaps you didn’t know you were talking to a smart chatbot the whole time. AI chatbots are very effective in creating a promising customer service strategy, that also happens to increase customer engagement if used correctly. 

Though they are not capable of answering each and every question of customers they can reduce the load of customer service associates to a great extent. That means you can deploy chatbots on your website or online store for answering common queries of customers. And when they don’t have the answer to ultra-specific questions of customers they can transfer the conversation thread to the next available customer service executive. 

4 – Uninterrupted workflow 

With the advancement in technology, AI is becoming more productive day by day. I mean, after all, it is a virtual system that doesn’t need frequent breaks, casual leaves, and sick leaves. In other words, it can work round the clock for keeping your customers engaged with your business. 

What’s more, AI can learn new skills very quickly and doesn’t leave room for complaints. You can instruct it on how to talk to customers and cater to them to deliver an excellent service experience. This will not only make a great first impression on your customers but also compel them to get attracted to your brand. 

5 – Increased productivity

As discussed above, AI can proactively initiate the conversation with your potential customers and help them buy the product they are looking for. This will not only scale up your sales graph but also increase the productivity of your digital marketers. Now they have a digital associate that will help them achieve a common goal together. And once your sales start increasing you can devote more time to customer relationship management for boosting your brand loyalty.


Enterprises these days are changing their strategy to understand customers, their needs, and preferences. It’s because today’s customers are more inclined towards technology and connected than ever before. Since their number is so huge that it is humanly impossible to connect with each of them on a personal level. And that’s where you can utilize AI to personalize their customer experience and entice them to purchase more products from your brand. This way you will be able to achieve both strong customer relationships and higher sales. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.