attract more customers

It’s no secret that e-commerce is a booming industry. In fact, retail sales have grown year over year for the past four years in a row. With so many consumers turning to the internet to make purchases, companies need to come up with new and creative ways to attract customers. This article will help you boost your online store and increase your revenue from selling items on your site, attract more customers as well as increase profit by implementing them into the way that you run business operations for the future of businesses being created today online so that they may continue growing over time into tomorrow’s future. Here are 8 ideas suggested by a digital agency like Pixel that you should follow.

Plan Your Conversions

What are your goals?

Define your target audience and the type of customer you are trying to attract. For example, if you’re selling clothing or accessories, your target audience will likely be millennials and younger women. If you’re selling home decor items, then a different demographic may be more likely to buy from you.

Once we know who our primary customers are, we can begin planning our conversions. A conversion is when someone takes a desired action based on an ad or recommendation; for example, clicking on an ad or sharing content on Facebook leads them to purchase something at the end of their journey through our site. A conversion funnel is a path that a user follows through each stage of interaction with us until they reach this end goal (i.e., sale).

Use Shoppable Posts

  • Use shoppable posts.
  • Create a shoppable post that allows users to shop directly from your Instagram feed. For example, you can use a plugin like Shopify or Wishpond to create a shoppable post, they include:
  • A link to the product page of each item featured in the photo
  • The price for each item
  • A short description of the item

Turn Web Banners into Social Content

If you want to attract more customers to your online store, it’s important to use social media. Social media and online stores go hand in hand. In fact, the most popular brands on Instagram have millions of followers and thousands of likes on their posts.

So what can you do?

Here are three things you can do:

  • Use social media to promote your products/services. If people see images of what they’re going to buy or read about the experience other customers have had with your product or service, they may be more likely to purchase from your store. For example, if someone sees a picture of a product being used by someone else (like how others used it), then they may think that using the same product would work well for them too!
  • Use social media as an advertising platform where everyone will see ads whenever they visit certain websites like Facebook or Twitter! This way when people visit these sites often enough then maybe someday soon enough those same users might also start visiting us too…
  • Another way is through our blog where we publish more content every day so keep coming back often enough until one day soon enough nobody will know how it all began anymore.

Highlight Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews and testimonials are an excellent way to build trust with potential customers. They provide a glimpse into the quality of your products, service, and overall customer experience.

If you don’t have any reviews on your website yet, make it a priority to start collecting them. Use services like Trustpilot or Yotpo to get started with this process. You can also send out emails to past customers asking for feedback about their experience using your products or services.

Once you have some reviews posted on your site, highlight them in several places including: on the product pages themselves; at the top of every page that shows product listings; as part of social profile buttons (i.e., Facebook likes); etc…

Showcase Customer Stories and Images

If you have happy customers, let the customers share their stories about your product. Customers are your best marketing tool and it’s important to highlight their experiences with your brand. Use real-life examples of how customers use your products or services in their everyday lives to increase trust and credibility with new visitors. This can also serve as a great opportunity to promote specific products or services that could benefit other consumers just like them.

Build an Online Community

If your store is already up and running, it’s time to think about how you can generate more customers. One way is to build an online community around the products you sell. Create a forum where people can share ideas and experiences about your product. Use social media to get people talking about your product too; provide them with a place where they can ask questions or become involved in a community that is centred around what you do.

Offer Free Trials, Classes or Consultations

Offer free trials, classes or consultations to help customers get familiar with the product or service. The more they know about your product or service, the more likely they are to buy it. It’s also a good way to learn more about your customers and their needs.

Provide Round-The-Clock Support Through Messenger Apps Like WhatsApp, LiveChat or Facebook Messenger

Customers expect a fast response from your customer support team. If you don’t have a live chat or messaging system in place, then you are missing out on an opportunity to attract new buyers and gain customer trust. You can also get proactive with this by sending automatic alerts via email when an order is placed so that the customer knows the status of their purchase at all times.


We hope you found these tips and tricks to be helpful in increasing your online sales. Don’t forget that it’s important to keep testing and tweaking your store, as well as running ads on social media platforms if possible (such as Facebook).

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.