social media app

Before you create the addictive design for the app of social media, you have to know the proper business model of the companies of social media. It will help you understand that the how the design creates an addictive nature behaviour of the user. The companies of social media are building this app to engage the user’s attention. Then advertisers use this attention to earn revenue. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the social media company to design the app in such manner that stay hooked in the screen. 

To make this thing possible, social media platform social media platforms will leverage certain design techniques and even exploit the neurological and fundamental psychological to turn the users into junkies and addiction. The addiction of users stick to mobile screen is because of that Dopamine which is a neurochemical that creates in different parts of the rain. It is responsible to use brain function and even controls the pleasure system. 

The social media organisations use certain phases like trigger, variable reward, action, and investment that will keep them hooked to the mobile apps. Trigger uses the behaviour of the user as spark plug and any kind of spark plug and its action will be done in the anticipation of the reward. The variable reward will create the craving feeling which increases the dopamine level and brain always expect any kind of reward. The investment will happen when the user will put effort, time and money and even the social capital of the service. These phases help you understand what are the design features that will keep the users hook to the social media applications. 

Implication of the social media apps addiction

Social media plays a fundamental role to the people who will get the information and even connect with another person. One can keep touch with friends, family and even connect with new people through social media. It is a virtual world and it is not necessary that the goodness of the virtual world will truly happen in your real life. 

Features that will make addictive design of the social media app

  1. The UI and the UX must be user friendly for any social media app. It will help the user to easily interact with the app. Therefore, it should include input controls, navigation, content layout. It optimizes the elements in a critical UI and UX friendly manner.
  2. Customization is another best option for the app which makes the app useful. If you are looking for one particular thing like for example-shoes then social media will give more suggestions to you based on your interests. It seeks the attention of the user which analyze the choice and preferences. 
  3. Infinite scroll is another option which never ends for example in Instagram and people are hooked to scroll one after another to enjoy them and stay in addiction. It is a feature of limitless material supply that makes them addictive towards it.
  4. Interaction is another feature that helps the social media users to come in one platform and start interaction and make it effective and reliable. 
  5. The notification that comes on real time basis are constantly updating that shows latest news in the interest. It is a function that will compel us so that we look into our phones and the notification sound will play and it will show that the addiction of the social media app. 
  6. Customisation of constant profile gives you liberty that you always look for because it will allow the personalisation and make it interactive and useful for you. 
  7. Messaging helps to connect with other users on the social media is a good achievement. It creates a connection and everyone is sharing their opinion or thoughts where you can talk and share your opinion too. 
  8. There is no such thing as security breach because the social media app maintains data policy and ensure that all the users are safe and secure with the social media app.  If there is any kind of violation then the entire programme of social networking will devastate and it can cause bad impact in the addictive mess of social media.


A social media app must focus on other crucial functions. It should give enough user assistance, frequent updates, then updating the programme to repair the errors and it will provide features that are advanced and it will give the proper attention. Check different front-end developer for hire do that you can ask them to create an app that will give the best features for the users to use the app. The main intension is to publish the reviews, give comments, different material stuffs, update status and many more. In this article you get all the ideas of different features which you must include to make an addictive design of social media apps. 

Author Bio:

Prashant Pujara is a CEO and co-founder of MultiQoS, Top web & mobile app development company that provides UI/UX design services from startup to enterprise-level company.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.