top yoga poses

Infertility problems have become more common among adults in the past few years.  The prime reason behind this issue is an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes a lack of physical workouts, consumption of processed foods, increased stress, and hormonal imbalance.

However, it is not impossible to treat. With a lifestyle change and yoga, you can avoid or cure the problem. Scientific studies prove that various yoga practices can promote your reproductive health.

These poses offer various health benefits that positively impact your sexual fitness. If you want to know more, keep reading. This article will shed light on various yoga poses that can increase your reproductive health.

5 Yoga Poses to Enhance Reproductive Health

This years-old practice offers tremendous wellness advantages when it comes to reproductive health. By doing yoga poses as described below, you can treat or prevent infertility:

1. Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose 

According to scientific research and experts, Legs-Up-The-Wall is the most instrumental pose in promoting reproductive health. Not only that, it provides additional mental and physical health benefits.

In order to practice this pose properly, follow the given guidelines:

  • Sit in a position where your right side faces the wall, bending your knees and locate your feed inwards towards the hips 
  • Try to lie flat while swinging your legs in an upward direction against the wall 
  • Place your arms where you feel comfortable 
  • Your hips should be slightly away or touching the wall 
  • Hold the position for about twenty minutes 

This restorative pose is efficient in enhancing blood circulation toward your pelvis. This way, it strengthens your pelvic region, which is vital for good reproductive health. You can join the yoga studio Dubai to practice this pose more efficiently, promoting your sexual wellness.

2. Bridge Pose 

Bridge pose is regarded as one of the most powerful yoga poses that provides yoga enthusiasts with a plethora of health benefits, including reproductive wellness. 

If you are looking forward to practicing the bridge pose in an effective way, here is how you can do so:

  • Hold a supine position, bending your knees 
  • Raise your hips above the ground, and do not squeeze the glutes while doing so 
  • Take your hands behind the back and interlace them 
  • Try engaging your inner thighs and relaxing the gluteus maximus 
  • Position your hips in an even higher position and stay in the same condition for about thirty seconds or one minute 

Bridge pose is another best practice to improve blood flow towards your pelvis. This supports the uterus and promotes overall reproductive fitness.

3. Reclining Bound Angle Pose

A low energy level, anxiety, depression, and mental stress can significantly disturb hormonal imbalance in your body, causing infertility. The Reclining Bound Angle pose can help you avoid these issues.

Here is your guide to practice this pose properly and enjoy the number of benefits it offers:

  • Sit on your yoga mat or cushion, extending the legs forward
  • Take your heels towards the pelvic region, bending your knees 
  • Leaning down, place your elbows on the ground 
  • Try shifting your hips slightly to attain a natural curve 
  • Relax your arms in a palms-facing-up position 
  • Stay in this position for about one to ten minutes 

This pose not only increases the strength of your pelvic floor but also offers serenity to increase your chances of conception. 

4. Seated Forward Bend

If you want to enjoy excellent reproductive health along with promoting mental peace, the Seated Forward Bend pose is your go. In fact, this pose has been discussed many times in different fertility books.

This incredible yoga pose can be practiced in the following ways:

  • Straighten your legs, bringing the feet closer 
  • Take your torso in a lower position, bending the hips 
  • Breathe out while doing so 
  • Try to grab the feet while lengthening your spine 
  • Stay in the same position for about thirty seconds or one minute 

This is the best stress-relief technique that can enhance your reproductive health by promoting mental health and increasing calmness.

5. Cobbler’s Pose

Also known as the butterfly pose, this incredible yoga practice is instrumental in stretching your hamstrings, lower back, and hips. This way, it offers mental peace and calmness, relaxing your whole body. 

To do the Cobbler’s pose effectively, follow the given instructions:

  • Sit on the floor in a comfortable position, extending your legs outwards 
  • Lengthen your spine and bend the knees, bringing your soles closer 
  • Now try to place your heels in a position where they are closer to your groin 
  • Try to maintain the long spine condition while doing so 
  • For an optimum effect, hold the Cobbler’s pose for about five minutes 

The cobbler’s pose is deemed excellent for maintaining the menstrual cycle and enhancing pelvic robustness. Therefore, people join the yoga studio to increase their sexual wellness by doing the cobbler’s pose.

Do You Need to Practice Yoga to Promote Reproductive Health?

Yoga practice is considered the best when it comes to promoting sexual health. The hot yoga poses can help you avoid or lessen the symptoms of infertility. Contact a certified yoga trainer now to incorporate yoga into your lifestyle and promote your reproductive health. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.