Kindle is an amazing device that will help you read your favorite content. If you are an avid book reader this is the place for the book nerds.
With Kindle, you can download any ebook that you are willing to. Although there can be some times where a Kindle ebook is not downloading. There might be various causes why that might have been happening.
In order to resolve these issues, you need to make sure that you understand first why it is happening.
It might not have downloaded properly or there might be some issue. Well, let’s just dive right in to resolve this issue so that you do not have to face it again.
Let us learn some of the best troubleshooting steps that will help you resolve ‘Why is my kindle ebook not downloading’.
Make sure that you follow each and every step in order to resolve the issue:
Restart the Kindle:
In order to fix the issue, the first thing that you need to try is to reboot the device. This is going to fix most of the issues. Most of the users will not know how to resolve this issue. Well, they can follow the steps mentioned below.
The first thing that you are required to do is to power on and off the kindle. This is going to fix most of the issues.
This is the most useful step when it comes to clearing off the glitches. If you are still not able to resolve the issues, then you can follow the next step.
Reconnect the wireless connection:
If you are not able to resolve the issue, then you must try this as your second step. What you need to do is to disconnect and then reconnect back the wireless connection to the kindle.
Make sure to check whether or not, if your Wi-Fi connection is working or not. If you see that it is not working, then you need to follow the next step.
Delete and re-download the book or app:
If you see that your app or any of the ebooks that you might have been downloading, gets stuck halfway, then there are some steps that you need to follow.
- The first step is to select the app and delete it from your kindle app or your device.
- When that’s done, then you need to download it back from the cloud section.
When you are not sure of anything, or if you see that this method is not working out, then you need to follow the next step.
Adjust the devices and content settings:
Here are some things that you can do in order to adjust the settings. The first thing that you need to do is to go to manage your content and devices. This option is present on the page at Amazon.
After that find the book or the app that you’re not able to download for any of the reasons. After that, you need to select actions.
After that choose them to deliver it to a specific device of yours. You can even choose to download it and transfer it to the device from your computer and that too using the USB cable.
This is going to work as it had worked for various users before. If you are still not able to download the book as the kindle won’t connect to WiFi, then you might have to restart your router in order to resolve it.
If you are still not able to resolve it, then get in touch with the official experts. They are going to help you resolve the issue and help you with finding your favorite book.