chatgpt for content marketing

ChatGPT has dominated the conversation around content marketing since its release. This Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot is a revelation for the content marketing industry. Today, we’re covering how to use ChatGPT as a content marketing tool.

Content Research

Writing content is time-consuming. Client niches require lots of research to understand. You can streamline the research stage with ChatGPT. Asking it to provide information about your topic gives you starting points for creating content like blogs, email campaigns, and more.

Consider these prompts to get some initial research for your work in a fraction of the time.

  • What are the top 5 searched questions about x?
  • Explain x topic to me in simple terms. Please explain to me like I’m a complete beginner.
  • Outline the main aspects of x topic.

Prompts like these can help you understand what you’re writing about. It’s easy to get derailed in the initial research stages, following tangents and falling down rabbit holes. Using ChatGPT to start your research keeps you focused on the appropriate topic.

Drafting Content

We’ve all experienced the intimidation of the blank white screen. Starting your writing is usually the most challenging part of the process. You can get a first draft in moments when you use ChatGPT. You can get the most out of your first draft in several ways if you use an AI chatbot like ChatGPT. 

  • Use a specific word count
  • Stack prompts for more precise results
  • Ask for revisions to improve the draft

You get the most thorough, precise draft by using these features in your prompts. Rewriting and reworking existing content is much easier than starting with nothing. Using ChatGPT as a draft creator is one of the best ways for content marketers to save time.

Editing Content

Once you have a ChatGPTdraft, rewriting and making it yours is essential. The editing stage of content is another area you can simplify with chatbots. For example, if your work doesn’t feature enough keywords and relevant terms, you can ask the AI to rewrite it with more keywords throughout. There are more ways you can use ChatGPT to edit content.

  • Increase/decrease the word count
  • Modify the tone or style
  • Improve the overall flow

Editing your own content is challenging. Missing your own mistakes is easy, and it’s difficult to rework your ideas to improve the overall piece. Using AI, you can look at your work with new eyes and decide which edits boost your writing the most.

Generating Ideas

Sometimes, developing a great idea – even with research- takes lots of work. When you’re at your wit’s end, ChatGPT can help. Mind mapping helps, but one of the best ways to clear writer’s block is to talk about the project with someone else. Using AI gives you a bounce pad for your ideas. Not only can you get some initial thoughts, but you can also use it to improve your ideas with the appropriate prompts. Consider these for enhanced idea generation.

  • Suggest blog titles about x topic
  • Improve this blog idea
  • What should I write about to get more customers for x

One of the most significant advantages of using ChatGPT for generating ideas is how it can affect your creativity. Let’s be realistic; sometimes, ChatGPT’s responses are terrible. But, even if it isn’t always great, it can often be enough to spark a better idea in your mind.

Keyword Research

One of the biggest time sinks of content marketing is keyword research. Finding the best keywords is a lengthy process, especially if you want lots of latent semantic index (LSI) keywords to use alongside your core keywords. ChatGPT streamlines keyword research, giving you more time to focus on content creation. Here are a few helpful prompts for more accessible keyword research with ChatGPT.

  • Generate a list of keywords related to the latest trends in x industry
  • Provide a list of the best-performing keywords for x in 2022
  • Create a list of long-tail keywords for x industry

When you’re in the early stages of your project, using ChatGPT for your keyword research makes it much easier to fast-forward to the writing stage. Finding ways to increase your efficiency can give you an edge in the content marketing world.

Improving SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a core component of content marketing. You can write the best content possible for your client, but it won’t be effective if nobody sees it. You can use ChatGPT to improve the SEO in your content both before and after you’ve written it. Here are some ways ChatGPT can help you boost your SEO.

  • Suggest headings for x topic
  • Rewrite content with modified keyword density
  • Generate meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta tags

SEO is vital for your content to get results. Having ChatGPT can help you incorporate the best SEO practices for ranking well with Google without spending hours researching the best ideas. ChatGPT is also great for updating older content if Google changes its preferences.

Measuring Performance

ChatGPT can track calls to action (CTAs), conversion, and click-through rates (CTRs). Tracking the performance of your content is essential for continual growth. ChatGPT makes gathering this crucial data much quicker, giving you more time to plan your client presentation. ChatGPT helps content marketers define when their content works and when it doesn’t. Try these prompts to measure content performance with ChatGPT.

  • Provide a detailed review of x content
  • Review this content and assess the quality of its SEO
  • Go through social media data and provide analysis on CTR

Tracking metrics and using data to keep tabs on your work is the only way to ensure you’re making the right decisions as a content marketer. You make it much easier to know what to do next when using ChatGPT to measure your performance.

There’s no denying that ChatGPT is a significant part of content marketing. AI isn’t going anywhere, so the next time you have an extensive content marketing project, consider how to use it to your advantage.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.