online publishers

The digital age has revolutionized the publishing industry, making it easier and more accessible for authors to get their works published. Online book publishers have become a viable alternative to traditional publishing houses, especially for emerging authors. Yet, as liberating as this might sound, getting your manuscript accepted by these online book publishers isn’t a walk in the park. This article provides insider tips to help you navigate the world of online publishing, from manuscript submission to marketing your book.

Understanding Online Book Publishers:

Online book publishers are digital platforms that allow authors to publish their work in electronic or print form. These publishers vary in their services and pricing structures, ranging from eBook publishing, print-on-demand services, editing and proofreading, to book marketing assistance. Some popular online book publishers include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Smashwords, and Lulu, among others.

Traditional versus Self-Publishing:

The choice between traditional and self-publishing depends largely on your personal goals as an author. Traditional publishing offers prestige, professional editing, and marketing services but can be highly competitive and time-consuming. On the other hand, self-publishing through online book publishers gives you more control over your work and higher royalty rates, but requires a more hands-on approach, especially in terms of marketing and distribution.

Preparing your Manuscript for Submission:

Before submitting your manuscript to an online book publisher, ensure it is formatted correctly. Most online publishers provide detailed guidelines on how they want your manuscript formatted. Make sure to follow these guidelines meticulously to increase your chances of acceptance. Also, write a compelling book description and choose an engaging book cover, as these elements can highly influence a potential reader’s decision to buy your book.

The Art of eBook Publishing and Print-on-Demand:

eBook publishing and print-on-demand are two common services offered by online book publishers. eBook publishing involves converting your manuscript into a digital format that can be read on various devices. Print-on-demand, on the other hand, allows your book to be printed and shipped to customers as orders come in, reducing the risk of unsold inventory.

Marketing your Book in the Digital Age:

In the era of social media and online marketing, promoting your book is crucial. Utilize social media platforms, email newsletters, and online advertising to reach your target audience. Consider leveraging book reviews and author interviews to gain more visibility. Remember, the success of your book largely depends on how well you market it.

The Importance of Editing and Proofreading:

Never underestimate the power of editing and proofreading. A poorly edited book can significantly harm your reputation as an author. Alternatively, use online editing tools and ask for feedback from beta readers.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Publishing:

In conclusion, the advent of online book publishing has revolutionised the publishing landscape, breaking down barriers and opening this world to anyone and everyone. The democratisation of publishing has allowed new voices to be heard, stories to be told and perspectives to be shared. It’s an exciting time in the world of literature, with opportunities for writers now more abundant than ever before.

To fully harness the potential of this digital revolution, it’s crucial to navigate the nuances of online book publishers. This involves gaining an understanding of their operations, expectations, and preferences. Equipping yourself with this knowledge, and applying it, significantly bolsters your chances of getting published.

Embrace the future of publishing. It’s a dynamic and evolving landscape, ripe with opportunities for those willing to adapt and persevere. It’s a thrilling era for writers, and by making the most of these changes, you’re not just shaping your own future, but also contributing to the evolution of publishing itself.

So, write on! Your voice, your stories, they matter. In this brave new world of online book publishing, they have the chance to reach readers across the globe.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.