team building

It can be really hard to get on top of the competition when it comes to design projects. This is because they rely on customers spreading the word and referring you to other clients. While you can’t please everyone, you can still work to make your design projects for efficient and profitable. Good organization is key and these tips and tricks will help you get off the ground in no time.

Have clear objectives

Before you start working, it’s imperative to set objectives for yourself. Clients can often come to you with a bunch of different ideas that don’t fit together. They can ask for popular features that don’t actually do anything good for their website.

While conversations like this can be frustrating, it’s very important to talk through them with your client. Make sure they understand the scope of what they need and that they don’t go overboard. Setting objectives together can give them a more realistic picture of the project. In any case, it ensures they’re satisfied with the final result.

Better communication

Presumably, you aren’t doing everything alone. Design projects usually have a team of dedicated professionals behind them, and that team needs to run like a well-oiled machine. To improve your projects, you should work on team building and communication.

People need to understand each other, know how to talk to each other, and have clear ways of reaching each other. This is especially true if they’re working in different departments and aren’t used to working together on a daily basis.

Depending on how big the team is and how many departments are, you can find different ways to make communication better. For example, having a designated group chat or being able to text each other privately can make communication instant and lower the chances of misunderstandings.

Give yourself enough time for each project

While some people work best under pressure, having short deadlines is never a good idea for a design project. You need enough time to gather all the information, check in for feedback, actually build the project, and test it thoroughly. If you take on multiple projects at once, you simply won’t have time to devote yourself fully to all of them.

This can lower customer satisfaction significantly and make your projects completely unprofitable. On the other hand, you should be careful not to take too long with finishing the project. Clients want fast results and don’t have endless patience.

Be realistic about the time you need to finish every project and stick to the deadline. The middle ground is the best option because it delivers both quality and quick results.

Write everything down

Being casual and verbally talking through ideas with your client is a more relaxed way to run your business, but it’s not always a good choice. Memory is a funny thing, and you might not be able to remember your customer’s wishes if you don’t write them down. Not taking notes during your meeting can also make you seem unprofessional.

Having everything written down ensures all the details will be in place in the final version of the project. On the other hand, written agreements also give you protection. Your clients are also human and sometimes they can think they said something they didn’t. If you write it down and they sign it, you have evidence that you’ve done nothing wrong and that it was them who made the mistake.

Be open to feedback

If you’re stick on any part of the project, don’t try to go ahead alone. Instead, reflect on the work you’ve done so far and ask your client for feedback. This can help you look at the project with fresh eyes and an outsider’s perspective. It can make it much easier to decide how to proceed with the project. Plus, a little confidence boost thanks to positive feedback is never a bad thing.

As well as feedback, you should ask your customers and client for suggestions. After all, they know what their needs are better than you. Listening and incorporating their ideas into the design will definitely make the launch smoother. It’ll show people that you actually care and contribute to a better user experience from day one.

Understand your client

You can’t start a project before you get to know your client. What is their specialty? What about their target audience? What’s their business model like? Are there any other factors relevant to the project that you should consider? All of these questions should be answered during the first interview for the new project.

However, it’s sometimes impossible to get a full understanding of your client and their consumer without professional help. A lot of people seek the help of experienced IP lawyers for this reason. It helps them create a more trustworthy relationship with their customer and understand their needs and wants in full. When you know you’re going to get good results, starting on any new project is easy.

Test the project

Before you consider it a done deal, make sure to test your project. Even if you’re convinced you did everything correctly, testing can reveal some unexpected bugs and allow you to iron out the details before you call your client. Smoother launches and a better experience for customers are always a good thing.

Some designers feel like it’s okay to risk it and just have their customers test out an improved version later, but that’s not really true. If people have a bad experience with a client once, they’re not likely to want to do business with them again.


As you can see, there are a lot of things you can do to make your design projects better. A list like this might seem overwhelming for someone who’s just starting out, though. Even if you’ve been in the business for a while and are ready to take things up a notch, implementing changes one by one is your best option. Before you know it, you’ll be running a completely different business.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.