
In the age of smartphones, our iPhones have become an extension of ourselves. They hold our contacts, personal messages, photos, and financial information. The thought of losing or having someone tamper with our iPhones is undoubtedly unsettling. Fortunately, Apple allows us to monitor our iPhone’s unlocking history, giving us greater control and peace of mind.

In this guide, we’ll explore the significance of tracking your iPhone’s unlocking history, how to do it effectively, and essential security measures to protect your digital life. So, whether you’ve misplaced your iPhone before, want to learn how to check iphone unlock history or are concerned about your device’s security, read on to learn how to keep tabs on your iPhone like a pro.

Why Monitoring iPhone Unlocking History Matters

Before we dive into the details of checking your iPhone’s unlocking history, it’s crucial to understand why this feature is essential in the first place.

Unauthorized Access Detection: Our iPhones contain a treasure trove of personal and sensitive information. Knowing who has been attempting to unlock your device allows you to detect unauthorized access attempts. If someone other than you tries to access your iPhone repeatedly, it may indicate foul play or a security breach.

Protection of Personal Data: Your iPhone stores your personal and private information. Monitoring unlocking history ensures your data remains safe and secure, preventing potential breaches.

Identification of Suspicious Activity: By keeping track of unlocking attempts, you can identify patterns of suspicious activity. For instance, multiple failed unlock attempts during a specific time frame or at a particular location may warrant further investigation.

Enhancing Security: Being aware of unlocking attempts prompts you to take necessary security measures. You can change your passcode, enable two-factor authentication, or even remotely wipe your device if you suspect it’s been compromised.

Now that we’ve established the importance of monitoring your iPhone’s unlocking history let’s explore various methods to check this information.

How to Check Your iPhone’s Unlocking History

Apple offers several methods to access your iPhone’s unlocking history, and we’ll cover three of the most effective ones:

1. Using the Passcode Attempts Log

Apple has incorporated a built-in feature that logs all passcode attempts on your iPhone, whether successful or unsuccessful. To access this log, follow these steps:

a. Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.

b. Scroll down and tap on “Face ID & Passcode” (or “Touch ID & Passcode” for older models). You will need to enter your passcode to access this section.

c. Scroll down to the “ALLOW ACCESS WHEN LOCKED” section and ensure that “USB Accessories” is toggled on. This setting allows the passcode attempts to log to function correctly.

d. Now, return to the main “Settings” menu and tap “Privacy.”

e. Scroll down and select “Analytics & Improvements,” then tap “Analytics Data.”

f. In the list of files, look for any files starting with “Lockout” followed by a date and time. These files contain information about passcode attempts on your iPhone.

g. Tap on a file to view its details, where you can see the date, time, and whether the attempt was successful.

2. Third-Party Apps for Enhanced Monitoring

While the built-in method is effective, some third-party apps offer a more user-friendly interface and additional features for monitoring your iPhone’s unlocking history. These apps provide a more organized presentation of the data and often include features like capturing photos of intruders and sending location information.

Here are some popular third-party options:

Lockwatch: Available for iOS and Android, Lockwatch takes an amazing photo of anyone who tries to unlock your device without authorization and sends it to your email along with location details.

iCaughtU: This app tracks unauthorized access to your iPhone and provides location information. It can also send you an email with a photo of the intruder.

Prey Anti-Theft: While primarily designed for tracking lost or stolen devices, Prey Anti-Theft also logs unauthorized access attempts and can remotely lock your device or erase data if needed.

3. iCloud’s “Find My iPhone” Feature

If you’ve enabled the “Find My iPhone” feature in your iCloud settings, you can also check your unlocking history through the iCloud website. Here’s how:

a. Open a web browser on your computer and navigate to the iCloud website (

b. Sign in using your Apple ID and password.

c. Click on “Find iPhone.”

d. Select your device from the list linked to your Apple ID.

e. In the device details window, you can find the “Last Location” and “Recent Activity” sections, which include information about unlocking attempts and location data.

Enhancing iPhone Security

Now that you know how to check your iPhone’s unlocking history, let’s discuss additional security measures to keep your device and data safe:

Use Strong Passcodes: Instead of opting for a simple four-digit passcode, choose a complex alphanumeric one. This significantly enhances the security of your device.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Activate 2FA for your Apple ID. It will add additional security by requiring a verification code sent to a trusted device when logging in from an unrecognized device.

Keep iOS Updated: Regularly update your iPhone’s operating system. Apple frequently releases security patches and updates that help protect against vulnerabilities.

Enable Auto-Lock: Set your device to auto-lock after a short period of inactivity. This prevents unauthorized access when you’re not using your phone.

Use Biometric Authentication: If your iPhone supports it, use biometric authentication methods like Touch ID or Face ID for added security.

Regularly Review Unlocking History: Make it a habit to check your iPhone’s unlocking history periodically. This ensures that you stay informed about any suspicious activities and can take action promptly.


In today’s digital age, safeguarding your data and maintaining control over your digital life are paramount. Checking your iPhone’s unlocking history is a simple yet effective way to ensure your device remains secure and your personal information stays private.

By understanding the significance of monitoring unlocking attempts, learning how to access this information, and implementing proactive security measures, you can enjoy peace of mind and confidently navigate the digital landscape with your iPhone. So, take control of your digital security today, and rest assured that your data remains in safe hands. Your latte can wait, but your data shouldn’t.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.