seo vs ppc

To start with, the full form of SEO is search engine optimisation. In simpler terms, this refers to the method of growth of the quality and the traffic quality to one’s website with the help of better search engine results. Traffic here means the number of people visiting a webpage. Website traffic builds the foundation of one’s website. Without website traffic, no one clicks, reads, purchases, or sings up.

PPC stands for pay-per-click. This is a method of online marketing where advertisers pay a certain fee every time one of their ads is clicked on.  In other words, it is the method of buying website visits rather than earning the visits organically. Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC.

How Search Engine Optimisation Works

Search engines like Bing and Google crawl pages on websites using bots. These bots go from site to site, gathering information about those pages and puts them in an index. Then, algorithms analyse the pages in the content, accounting for numerous signals and ranking factors. This is done so as to determine how the order pages are to appear in the search results when given a query.

Search scaling factors are considered agents for aspects of user experience. SEO marketing factors organise the elements into six main classes, and each is weighed based on their overall SEO importance. For instance, keyword research and quality of content are some fundamental factors that are critical specifications of content optimisation; mobile-friendliness and crawlability are important architectural factors for sites.

Search algorithms are created to bring up relevant and authentic pages, and users are provided a methodical search experience. If your content and site are optimised with these points in mind, your page ranking will be higher in the search results.

How Per-Pay-Click Advertisement Functions

There are multiple types of PPC advertising. One of the most used advertising methods is the paid search ad. These ads pop-up when people search for things, primarily commercial searches using Google as the search engine provided, they search for something to purchase. For example, this can be anything, someone searching for a “burger near me” or someone looking for a plumber or a dentist near them using a local service search or enterprise software that is a high-end item.

Pay-per-click ads are triggered for these kinds of searches. When using the per-pay-click advertisement method, businesses are only charged when users click on their ads. Other types of advertising include banner ads and remarketing. To display ads along with the search engine results, advertisers can’t exactly pay more to make sure their ads show up more acutely compared to their competitor’s ads. Instead, ads depend on something known as Ad Auction. This is an entirely automatic process used by major search engines like Google to determine the ads’ validity and relevance that will appear on their search engine results.

Advantages of Using Search Engine Optimisation

SEO marketing helps in rank improvement in search engine results. This has a significant influence on one’s vital company goals like growing their sales and leads. The most considerable advantage of search engine optimisation is that it uses an inbound marketing strategy. Traditional methods like spam emails, interruptive ads, and cold calling are done only considering the advertiser’s goal in mind. Maximum customers find this to be extremely annoying, whereas inbound advertising is customer-centric. This involves coming up with helpful and reasonable resources and availing informative information easily accessible.

Google’s actual ranking depends solely on the algorithm to be the best result for the searched query. SEO ads do not require paying for promoting ads. If a page is created, that deems worthy by the search engine, directing its users to it. This attracts traffic to one’s site for continuous months and even years.

Researching and creating high-quality content needs a particular investment. Be it time, if you decide to make the content by yourself, or money, if you choose to get the work done by a digital marketing agency. Once the initial investment is made, there will be no further investment to attract traffic to your site or content.

Benefits of Using Per-Pay-Click Advertising

PPC advertising contributes to achieving a considerable number of marketing and business goals. PPC is a potent tool to range website traffic to their end-goals. PPC in today’s era can cultivate the middle ground fostering and serving channel through looking for newsletter signups, advertising content downloads, content entries, and pursuit for application downloads.

PPC supports numerous parts of sales and how your prospect goes from apprehension to becoming a customer. Regardless of the set of goals, PPC strategies can be set up with efficiency. Per-pay-click advertising is straightforward to track and measure. There are no mysteries when using the PPC advertisement method.

If you are struggling with using the search engine optimisation way of marketing or per-pay-click advertising method, you can reach out to the Dubai SEO Company. We provide our customers with ample facilities. If in need of professional advice, you should, without a doubt, contact us.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.