mobile application development process

What is mobile app development?

The process of developing software applications for handheld phones and other portable devices is known as mobile app development. Creating software for mobile apps, integrating backend services like data access APIs, and testing the application on target devices are all part of the mobile application development services provided by app development companies.

Mobile App Development Platforms

The 2 major mobile app development platforms are IOS from Apple and Android from Google.

Mobile app development process.

Any method or procedure starts with an idea and turns it into a good or service that addresses the issues of the intended market. It is similar to the mobile app development process.

1.       Recognize the need of the customers

2.       Creating the device

3.       Testing the device

1. Recognize the needs of the customers:

A fundamental and essential step in the creation of applications is the identification of customer needs and pain points. Does this involve asking questions like, “What is the objective of our product?”How might the app help consumers find solutions to their problems?  What is the business strategy? What is the estimated revenue? Etc, the following steps are taken.

A) Target customers, B) competitor analysis, and C) user analysis

A)     competitor analysis: During these processes, you aim to identify all of the competing alternatives that are currently on the market. The application’s revenue cost, the period of time it took to build the technologies and frameworks it uses, their position in the market, etc.

B)      Target customers: Who are the target audiences? How do they find our application?

C)      User analysis: What distinguishing qualities does your software provide that other developers don’t? Which business model do your customers use? The market price of the product   

2. Creating the device:

It involves planning, designing, and developing the product. A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of your software that has enough features to be shown to your early users in order to get their feedback on the features of the product and its development potential. It aids in

  1. Understanding the elements that appeal to customers

  2. Reduces the amount of time, money, and effort spent on the products

  3. Act as a backup for the original product.

A) UX/UI Design: 

 A variety of factors, including app design, branding, and practical usability, as well as marketing and post-sale support contribute to the UX process.

User interface (UI) design’s primary objective is to develop user-friendly frameworks and prototypes that follow the most recent fashions in design. 1) Creating a user flow pathway 2) Developing wireframes, template designs, and other elements necessary for designing the user interface for mobile apps 3) On the basis of user feedback, finalize the mockup.

B) Development Phase:  With the aid of codes and APIs, software applications are added for the produced wireframe works during the development phase. Generally, it has three phases.

1.       Frontend Development

2.       Developing APIs (Application Programming Index)

3.       Backend Development

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1. Frontend Development Phase: The fundamental goal of frontend development is to enhance the user experience for mobile apps. The frontend development phase of the UI/UX process primarily targets the end consumers using mobile apps.

Frontend development can be either native or hybrid, with the former running on a stack that is platform-independent and uses HTML5 and JS codes, and the latter on a platform that uses native technology.

2. Backend Development Phase: It encompasses all of the crucial tasks involved in creating mobile applications. Data validation, data authentication, data storage, data backup and restoration, security, device privacy, and server-side scripting are the main components of backend functions. Any mobile application’s performance is largely dependent on its backend architecture.

 3. API: API stands for (Application Programming Index)  APIs enable data communication and exchange between two application software programs.

3) Testing Phase:

 The testing phase is intended to make sure that the application is bug-free and meets user requirements. The process is also designed to make sure that the application can handle any potential problems in the future.

Depending on the stage of development of the app, many different types of tests are performed.

Platform testing On mobile devices, it assesses how quickly the application reacts to user queries. Additionally, it makes sure that the website or app operates properly across all platforms and devices.

Functional Testing: This type of test checks if there are any bugs in the app or website that might stop it from functioning as expected. Additionally, it checks to see if each function is performing according to plan. Functional testing examines either a single unit or a network of connected modules to validate the software in use.  

Performance testing: It checks how fast the application responds to user requests on different devices. With the help of performance testing, one can check the mobile app’s consistency. Things like 1) volume testing, 2) stability testing, and 3) responsive time testing 4) Memory and battery testing, etc., can be known through these processes.

 Documentation testing:  The testing of documented artifacts produced before or after software testing is referred to as “documentation testing.” Documentation testing results in estimates for things like requirement tracking, testing efforts, and so on. 1) Documentation testing involves checking the creation and analysis of navigation flow. 2)  examining the prototypes.

Security Testing: Everyone is concerned about data and security. Security testing ascertains whether mobile applications are susceptible to security lapses, data leaks, or sensitive data that hackers can access.

Some of the security testing analysis includes

1) Threat analysis of authentication of login credentials

2) Analyzing the potential risks associated with software applications that have been hacked

3. Granting permissions to the specified applicants

Usability testing: This type of testing is done to check the capabilities of mobile apps and ensure that the mobile applications offer a good user experience in the end. Does usability testing help in determining where UI and UX designs need improvement as well as any potential future changes that might be required? The mobile device can be tested using performance testing

 A review of the mobile applications and user feedback comes at the end of every development process for mobile applications.  

B) The Review Stage:

The review process is the most important part of the testing process. You compile all of your testing data here and provide feedback on your conclusions. 

Reviews are created to provide feedback on a product or service. They are one of the most important parts of any product development process.

The review process consists of three steps:

1) Prepare a report with a synopsis of the tests.

2) Review it and then

3) Deliver your input to people who can implement changes in response to your findings.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.