seo analytics

Website performance analysis is an arduous task. I mean how do you even track that, the tools and tricks you put into practice, are actually working?

That is why it is often hard to see any concrete results in a short period.

The practices often take months to show the results that you want.

But today we are here to show you the top, most reliable metrics to analyze your site’s performance after incorporating the conventional and non-conventional SEO techniques.

SEO Analytics in 2024

Decoding the E-commerce Domination Code (Make no mistake!)

Hey there, fellow e-commerce wanderers in the Organic Search Amazonian jungles!

Ever feel like you’re wandering through the SEO jungle blindfolded, swinging at vines hoping to snag that top ranking?

I feel you. But fear not, for today we’re armed with the ultimate weapon: SEO analytics.

We will discuss the top metrics that will actually show you the best way to analyze the performance your site is exhibiting and the areas that you need to focus plus hacking away the confusion to reveal the metrics that truly matter in 2024.

Why SEO Analytics Matter More Than Ever (Especially with a Sprinkle of Stats)

Let’s face it, in the e-commerce arena, visibility is king (or queen, no gender bias here!).

And SEO is the magic key that unlocks the castle gates of Google’s search results.

But without tracking the right metrics, it’s like trying to pick that lock in the dark – frustrating and, well, pretty pointless.

That’s what messed up with my head too, for a long time, even though no more now. Ever since I incorporated the practices that I am about to reveal right now my website has soared higher than a white eagle.

Here’s a stat to chew on: 70% of marketers say SEO is the most effective organic traffic acquisition strategy.

That’s HUGE! But with so much data at our fingertips, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

So, let’s break it down into bite-sized, actionable chunks.

The Top 10

Acquiring them Shopaholics: Traffic Acquisition

1.    Organic Traffic:

Free website visits from search engines? Yes, please!

Track metrics like organic impressions, organic CTR (click-through rate), and search visibility to see if your SEO efforts are attracting the right eye. Use Google Search Console to track the organic clicks.

Keyword performance is also crucial.

Are the keywords you’re targeting bringing in qualified leads? Dive into the data and optimize, coz that’s what I’d do.

2.    Referrals and Backlinks:

Think of backlinks as votes of confidence from other websites, it shows authenticity, genuinity, and quality. Make no mistake google algorithms pick up everything.

The more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher your domain authority (basically, your SEO street cred) goes.

But we often forget the importance and large-scale effect of referring domains.

Keep an eye on those. Backlinks have their own place but different sites referring back to your home page, that stuff’s gold.

In fact, I basically ignore “Backlinks” when I check my site in Semrush. Instead, I focus 100% on “referring domains”.

Referring domains and authority metrics to see who’s sending you love (and potential customers!).

User Engagement: Are They Sticking Around or Bouncing Like a Bad Date?

3.    Bounce Rate and Exit Rate:

Don’t confuse these two!

Bounce rate measures people leaving your site from the landing page, while exit rate shows where they leave overall.

High bounce rates might indicate confusing navigation or irrelevant content. Time to revamp! Google has put in measures to see if visitors that leave your site are feeling good or bummed out?

Don’t let these teeny tiny, highly fixable problems lose you your potential big break.

4.    Session Duration and Pages per Session:

Think of these as engagement goldmines.

The longer visitors stay and the more pages they explore, the happier Google (and your sales team) will be.

Google algorithms carefully notice the time people spend on your page, scrolling past those products/services, drooling while looking, helping google rank your site higher.

Quality content that keeps them hooked is key!

5.    Core Web Vitals:

This is the new kid on the block, but don’t underestimate its power.

Core Web Vitals measure things like page speed and mobile-friendliness, which are now crucial for ranking and user experience.

Good or Bad URLs, navigational nooks and crooks, overall page performance to a device, everything counts.

Make sure your site loads like a cheetah, not a sloth!

Conversion Optimization: Turning Lookers into Loyal Buyers

6.    Conversion Rate:

This is the magic number – the percentage of visitors who actually buy something.

Track it religiously and analyze conversion paths to see where potential customers drop off.

Optimize those pesky bottlenecks and watch your sales sing! It’s all about a discerning eye and careful analysis. You got it!

7.    Organic Conversions:

See how that organic traffic we talked about earlier translates into sales?

Analyze which keywords and landing pages are converting the best, and double down on those SEO efforts.

Technical SEO: The Boring But Essential Stuff

8.    Indexed Pages:

Think of these as the pages search engines can actually see. How? Crawling onto your site.  Make sure all your important pages are indexed properly for maximum visibility.

Don’t let Google lose its breath. It won’t do you any good.

Remember an index in time, saves thousands of sales and the other nine!

9.    Mobile Friendliness:

In this mobile-first world, a website that doesn’t shine on smartphones is like a store with the door locked.

Use testing tools to ensure your site is mobile-friendly and watch the mobile traffic roll in.

It’s 2024 folks, nobody is gonna open their laptop to scroll through your website. They’ll just move on to someone who has their priorities right!

Competitive Analysis: Keeping an Eye on the Neighbors

10.  Competitor Keyword Rankings:

What keywords are your rivals ranking for? Use this intel to identify opportunities for your own SEO strategy.

Remember, knowledge is power and so is the money that you are so gonna get after analyzing carefully. Use Semrush and Ahref for better insights. Check out PrestaShop SEO Module

11.  Backlink Analysis:

See who’s linking to your competitors and try to snag some of those backlinks for yourself. A healthy competition never hurts anyone.

Plus it’s Quality Vs Quantity Vs Quality Vs Search Engines and their savvy algorithms.

The more high-quality backlinks you have, the better you’ll rank.

Actionable Insights: From Data to Domination

Phew, that was a whirlwind of metrics! But don’t worry, I’m not leaving you hanging. Here are some actionable tips to put this knowledge into practice:

1.    Embrace the power of content:

SEO isn’t just about technical sorcery. High-quality, engaging content that answers your target audience’s questions is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors.

Think of it as the bait that lures those precious shoppers in. Give them something to think over, a lasting impact, something to remember you by, and keep coming back!

2.    Get visual:

People love images and videos, so incorporate them strategically throughout your site.

Don’t forget to optimize them for search engines too!

3.    Local SEO matters more than think:

If you have a brick-and-mortar store, optimize your site for local searches.

Claim your Google My Business listing, include your address and contact information, and encourage customers to leave reviews. Nothing speaks louder than locals vouching for your product.

4.    Stay up-to-date:

The SEO landscape constantly evolves, so don’t get stuck in your ways.

Subscribe to industry blogs, attend webinars, and stay ahead of the curve.

5.    Experiment and test:

Don’t be afraid to try new things! A/B testing different headlines, calls to action, and page layouts can help you discover what resonates most with your audience.

And Lastly,

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, consistent, and data-driven, and you’ll see your e-commerce empire rise to the top of the search results.

Bonus Tip: Don’t be afraid to get help! There are many amazing SEO agencies and consultants out there who can help you navigate the complexities of this ever-changing field.

Now, go forth and conquer the e-commerce world, armed with your newfound SEO knowledge!

And hey, if you ever get stuck, remember I’m just a comment away. Happy selling!

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.