car accident

Facing insurance companies after a car accident can be confusing if you do not know the insurance rules. Often, accident victims find themselves in a David vs. Goliath scenario, battling against large insurers for the compensation they rightfully deserve. This struggle is not just about recovering financially; it’s about asserting your rights against entities that are often more concerned with their profits than your well-being.

In this article, you will learn insurance companies’ common tactics to minimize payouts and the steps to take immediately after an accident to strengthen your case. With the correct information and legal support, you can confidently navigate this challenging journey and emerge victorious.

Why Insurance Companies Treat Car Accident Victims Unfairly

At their core, insurance companies are businesses whose primary goal is maximizing profits. Unfortunately, this often means minimizing the amount they pay out in claims. While this might seem like a straightforward business strategy, it can have unfair and challenging consequences for car accident victims.

Regardless of the insurer involved, paying on claims directly impacts their bottom line. This inherent conflict of interest can lead to practices that aren’t always in the best interest of accident victims, even those who have been paying their premiums faithfully for years​​.

Insurance companies employ various strategies to reduce the amount they pay. Common tactics include denying valid claims based on policy exclusions, making lowball settlement offers in the hope that victims will accept them out of desperation, and using delay tactics. These approaches can be incredibly frustrating and financially draining for car accident victims​​​​.

When you file a claim, an insurance adjuster is assigned to evaluate it. However, there’s often a significant gap between the value the adjuster allots and the claim’s actual worth. Adjusters working for the insurer may undervalue your claim or dispute liability to protect the company’s interests​​.

What Should I Do to Fight for the Money an Insurance Company Owes Me?

After a car accident, taking the proper steps can significantly impact your ability to recover fair compensation from insurance companies. One of the first lines of defense is to avoid giving any statements on the record to insurance companies. Your words can be twisted and used against you, potentially damaging your claim.

Even if you don’t feel injured, seek medical attention right away. Some injuries, like whiplash, may not show symptoms immediately but can have long-term consequences. Documenting your injuries through medical records is essential for your claim. It provides concrete evidence of the accident’s impact on your health​​.

Dealing with insurance companies often necessitates legal expertise. A reputable Houston car accident lawyer can guide you through the process, protect your rights, and fight for the compensation you deserve. The attorney will handle communications and negotiations with insurance companies, allowing you to focus on your recovery​​.

Duties a Car Accident Lawyer Generally Handles for Their Clients

Hiring a car accident lawyer significantly improves your chances of successfully navigating the complexities of insurance claims. A lawyer acts as a shield between you and the insurance companies. They manage all communications, protecting you from tactics like unwanted calls, manipulation, or pressure to accept unfair settlement offers. This barrier prevents you from making decisions that could harm your claim and reduces the stress associated with the claim process​​.

Establishing fault is crucial, especially in fault-based insurance states. Lawyers diligently gather evidence such as video footage, eyewitness accounts, police reports, and expert testimonies. This comprehensive evidence collection is vital to building a strong case demonstrating who is responsible for the accident​​.

Your attorney will document all damages related to the accident. This includes medical bills, invoices for vehicle repairs, proof of lost income, and documentation of pain and suffering. Detailed records of these damages are critical to substantiate your claim and ensure fair compensation​​.

With experience in negotiation, your attorney will discuss with insurance representatives to secure a fair settlement. This involves presenting evidence, arguing your case based on insurance policy clauses, and calculating damages. They are prepared to adapt their strategy to the unpredictable nature of negotiations​​.

While most claims are settled out of court, your lawyer is ready to take legal steps, including going to trial if required. This commitment ensures that all avenues are explored to secure the compensation you deserve​​.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Will Combat Bad-Faith Tactics by Insurers

Insurance companies may attempt to deny your claim by attributing your injuries to pre-existing conditions. Lawyers are familiar with laws like the “eggshell skull” rule, which requires insurers to cover claims even if pre-existing conditions make injuries more severe. They use medical evidence to demonstrate that your current injuries directly result from the accident​​.

Lawyers are adept at calculating and substantiating the full extent of your losses. They prepare a detailed breakdown of all damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future costs. This comprehensive assessment is critical in negotiations and ensures that lowball offers are not accepted without thorough consideration​​​​.

By leveraging solid evidence and credible witness testimonies, lawyers strengthen your case. This approach makes it harder for insurance companies to dispute the facts of the accident and the extent of your injuries​​.

Lawyers thoroughly understand insurance policies and their fine print. They use this knowledge to challenge unfair practices and ensure that insurance companies meet their contractual obligations​​.

In cases where insurers engage in bad faith practices, like unreasonably delaying or denying claims, misrepresenting policy provisions, or making unfair settlement offers, lawyers can take legal action. This might include filing a complaint with state insurance regulatory agencies or pursuing a lawsuit against the insurer​​​​.

If you are navigating the aftermath of a car accident and need expert legal assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation. Contact a car accident lawyer today to protect your rights and maximize your claim.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.