Face Masks

Globally, the COVID-19 outbreak has infected millions of people and has claimed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Moreover, millions have been admitted to hospitals to get tested for COVID-19 or to receive treatments for the virus. 

Many healthcare workers and their patients have been mandated by their local government to wear PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) to curb the spread of the highly infectious and contagious virus. 

PPE may include face protectors, such as face shields, goggles, glasses, surgical masks, gowns, respirators, aprons, and single-use gloves. It should also be noted that the demand for safe waste disposal has never been as high as it is now in regards to PPE waste. 

As a result, certain safeguards must be taken, and certain changes must be made to ensure that current facilities can handle the increased demand. The easiest and quickest way to dispose of PPE waste is via garbage removal in Ontario.

The Proper Way to Dispose of PPE

Personal protection equipment is designed to keep dangerous and volatile pathogens, and other such contaminants, away from the mouth, nose, and sometimes eyes of the user. When it is time to get rid of your PPE, you can simply dismantle and throw away the item with minimal effort. However, poor handling of PPE can lead to the user being infected, so it is vital to take the necessary steps to reduce the risk of contamination.

For example, you will be able to opt for conventional garbage removal in Ontario if you have properly cleaned your PPE beforehand. However, this may not be the case if the item came with specific government regulatory guidelines or directions, so it is important to check for such labels before disposing of your PPE. 

Fortunately, most PPE is considered household hazardous waste, so you will be able to get rid of them via a disposal facility or a garbage removal company in your area.

How to Safely Dispose of Masks

In addition to social distancing protocols and thorough hand washing, the next line of defence against the deadly coronavirus is the regular wearing of face masks. Millions of people wear face masks every day to work and live while dealing with the highly contagious disease; the focus shifts to determine how to dispose of said masks properly.

Fortunately, disposing of face masks is fairly easy. It would help if you washed your single-use face masks with soap and water before you throw it in your trash bag. By doing so, you will help protect your local sanitation workers from contracting the virus while they remove your garbage.

Keeping Garbage Collectors Safe During the Pandemic

While many people in North America have been told to work from home to protect themselves and others, many essential workers have been mandated to continue working on the frontlines, providing local citizens with essential services such as garbage removal and supplying medication and groceries. 

You can help protect your local recycling and garbage disposal workers by following a few quick and easy steps. All garbage should be bagged and tied tightly to reduce seepage or spillage. All personal hygiene items, including gloves, sanitary napkins, wipes, masks, and tissues, should also be promptly disposed of in your waste receptacle.

You can further reduce the risk of contaminating your garbage collectors by placing your used tissues and sanitary wipes at the bottom of your garbage bags. You may also want to consider postponing your spring cleaning for a few months to reduce the risk of overloading the system.

Once a vaccine for the virus has been found, current systems can be evaluated to determine if they are efficient, and alternatives can be explored when the time is right. Reusable PPE items, provided they are cleaned regularly, will help reduce the amount of waste generated, as single-use PPEs will quickly accumulate and place added pressure on the system.

Using certain abrasive chemicals or sanitizing agents can often lead to added air, water, and ground pollution, so using eco-friendly products can help protect you and your loved ones while also protecting the environment.

Handling Used PPE

Regardless of the type of waste you are dealing with or handling, you should minimize direct contact whenever possible and follow all disposal guidelines before you dispose of your waste. By doing so, you will break the connection in the chain of infection, reducing the propagation of various infectious diseases; including the highly contagious Coronavirus.

To learn more about how to dispose of PPE kits safely and face masks during the coronavirus pandemic, call Junk Works at 1-888-888-5865 or contact us here.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.