self-publishing companies uk

Is this your first time printing a book? If yes, then you may feel a little overwhelmed. But there is no need to be afraid of book printing, as we are here to guide you!

So, you desire to publish a book, Right? Getting a deal from a traditional publisher is much more difficult. Don’t worry because the self-publishing system has made it very easy to publish a book online. Not everyone desires to release their book to gain profit; some writers usually publish their work to communicate their ideas, experiences, and knowledge.

Furthermore, your book should be influential enough to obtain this goal, and there are techniques to guarantee this. If you desire to learn how to publish a book that you can sell, then read this blog carefully. We’ve given some effective steps that will help you with the publishing process and lead you to success.

Can I Print My Book?

Yes, you can print your book. Additionally, it is a very easy process. There are so many companies out there that are user-friendly and offer excellent-quality printing with personalized design options. Many of them can also assist you in distributing your work on different sites and platforms. According to Wordsrated, the percentage of self-published books has increased over the past five years.

Steps To Publish Your Book

Congratulations! You’ve finally finished writing your book. The toughest part may be over now. But you are still a few steps away from bringing your book to life. Most self-publishing companies UK provide various personalizations that impact the cost and quality of the output product. Here’s how to print your book in a few easy steps.

Edit Your Text

While it can be troubling to open your work to bellyaching, it’s necessary to get a new perspective on your writing. Before locking down a final draft, ask others to check your content. Whether you need extraordinary feedback or an expert proofread for grammar, clarity, and spelling, others can raise on parts you’ve failed to notice, capture mistakes, and assist better in finalizing your manuscript. You can pay an expert editor or ask someone who has interest or experience in your genre.

Choose A Trim Size

Many custom book printing companies provide several book sizes. The size depends on the kind of book you are publishing. For example, trade books, novels, children’s books, and comic books all have various shapes and sizes; children’s books are mostly large and thin, whereas novels are thicker and smaller. For better reference, consider different sizes of the same books that are already in print.

Select Between Paperback Or BookCover

Paperback books are very economical to produce, but they are less durable. On the other hand,  hardcover can put on a degree of professionalism and is considered the best quality. You may also have to select between matte and glossy cover finishes and settle on whether to add a book jacket or not. The best book cover design helps to attract an audience, as we know that the first impression is the last.

Pick Your Binding Style

Your binding style influences your book’s look, cost, and durability. A leather stitch binding can be an affordable option for short pamphlets and books. Wire-O binding is also an affordable style. They are commonly seen in notebooks. However, most of the authors pick a higher quality binding style, like ideal binding for case wrap binding or paperback books for hardcover books. Both of these allow for a thin spine where the author’s name and title can be printed.

Consider Ink Options And Paper Types

Select your ink. Most printers charge a high quality for paper and internal colour printing, which usually comes in multiple finishes and weights. If not sure, use industry benchmarks as guidelines. Standard white-and-black pages are cost-effective and reader-friendly for books and novels. If you’re publishing a comic book or photo book, you may choose heavier colour printing or paper to do your images complete justice.

Select Your Typeset

You know the graphic designer has done a great job when you can’t recall the text font of the book you read last. Like punctuation and grammar, typesetting is generally only noticed if it’s faultily done because it becomes a disturbance. Attempt a few options to make sure your margins and fonts are modest and align with your book’s style and tone. For different ideas, look to similar guides or books. Once you’ve decided on your manuscript typeset, you’ll finally have your page count.

Arrange Your Files

Make sure that your files are in the right format before printing your book with your desired printing service. Follow and read the upload guidelines precisely. Usually, you have to submit two files: the manuscript and the book cover. Submit your files in PDF format, with your pictures set for a lower resolution of 300 dots per inch.

Editing And proofreading

Before purchasing massive copies of your book and distributing them, ask for proof copies. This will help you with trial impressions to make corrections and review before final printing. When everything looks incredibly good, you can launch your book in the market with the assistance of your book printing company.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the primary steps of book printing?

There are four primary steps in the book printing procedure:

  1. Pre-press
  2.  Press
  3.  Post-press
  4.  binding.

The pre-press stage guarantees that all the pages are in the right order, also including any necessary design corrections or changes. 

  • Before printing my book, what should I pay more attention to?

A crucial step in pre-printing is guaranteeing that your manuscript is properly formatted and prepared for production. Focus on your font selection, margins, headers, page numbers, and footers.

  • Can I publish a book for free?

There are several free publishing sites for you to select from; we’ve mentioned a few of the best for you. Apple Books and Amazon KDP are the perfect fit for free publishing.

Let Us Conclude

Printing a book is a huge creative achievement that can infuse an unquestionable sense of accomplishment and pride. Once your book has been published, it’s high time to promote your book and accelerate your sales. Begin by obtaining an excellent set of reviews on your book. Readers are more likely to be interested in books with a modest number of authentic and positive reviews, so that’s your beginning for success.

At any rate, continue communicating and engaging with your audience and providing them with valuable content. Once you hit a certain level of sales, you can then run paid ads on Facebook, Amazon, or Goodreads to reach other people and new readers.

Meanwhile, keep working on your new upcoming book and repeat the same process all over again. Now that you have a good knowledge about how to publish and print your book, we hope the voyage ahead will be easier.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.