clean home

Do you have a pet? Do they make your home messy? We know that living with pets brings joy, but they make your home messy.  Furry friends leave their mark on our homes, from scattered fur to unexpected stains.

For pet owners, cleaning these messes is a huge challenge using proper cleaning products. They struggle always and don’t understand how to clean them up using eco-friendly products. Are you one of them? No worries. Here, you will get the perfect solution.

In this blog, I will give you some easy and eco-friendly tips to keep your home clean, even with your furry pets around. Let’s start the discussion on how to keep your home clean when you have pets.

16 Effective Ways to Clean Home When You Have Pets

You must follow some ways to clean your home when you have pets. These ways are a little different than the traditional ways of cleaning the home.

Let’s explore 16 ways together to clean your home when you have pets.

1. Regular Cleaning Routine Is A Must

Creating a routine is the backbone of maintaining a clean home with pets. Cleaning experts suggest that you must find a balance between daily tasks and more thorough weekly cleaning.

Consider a cleaning method using environmentally friendly products to manage the workload. Remember, consistency is key to staying ahead of the mess and ensuring a home that both you and your pets can enjoy.

2. Tackle Stains Gently

Accidents can take place at any time. but you must handle them gently. Most housekeeping experts suggest that it is important to take immediate action when dealing with pet-related stains.

Use Enzyme spotters and pet-friendly odor eliminators which are eco-friendly to clean these stains. remember, the quicker you remove them, the easier it is to maintain a spotless home.

3. Use Pet-Specific Eco-Friendly Products

Experts suggest using eco-friendly and pet-friendly products for cleaning for a green and healthy approach. These help tackle pet odors and stains by contributing to a safer environment. Remember, choosing pet-friendly products means avoiding harmful chemicals. These products ensure your pets and the planet stay happy and healthy

4. Regular Grooming and Bathing

Grooming is not about aesthetics; it is a way to keep your home cleaner. Regular grooming minimizes shedding. Quality tools like steel combs and slicker brushes help you here.

Take time to brush your pets, Remove loose fur that would otherwise find its way onto your furniture. A high-power blow dryer adds an extra layer of effectiveness.

5. Invest in an Air Purifier for Easy Breathe

Remember, a good air purifier is more than just a device. It works as a guardian against pet hair, dust, and dander. Choose an eco-friendly cleaning product with a HEPA filter for optimal results. It ensures cleaner air and also contributes to an overall fresher living space for both you and your pets.

6. Use Covers on Furniture for Prevention

Prevention always works better. Use washable furniture covers to protect your favorite pieces from pet hair and stains. Throw some blankets on furniture strategically to keep pet hair in check and give your furry pals a comfy spot. Stylish and practical luxe throws can add flair to your living room while serving a dual purpose.

7. Regular Paw Cleaning for Hygiene

After your pets play outside, their paws can carry unwanted stuff like E. coli and bacteria. Experts suggest cleaning their paws regularly with special wipes or a cloth with soapy water.

 It is a simple habit that keeps your pets cleaner and reduces the chance of harmful things getting into your home.

8. Don’t Forget about Hand Hygiene

After spending quality time with your pets, remember to wash your hands thoroughly. This simple step is crucial for preventing the spread of germs. It ensures a clean and safe environment for both you and your furry friends.

9. Quick Cleanup: Make Your Own Pet-Friendly Cleaner

For surprise pet messes, try a DIY pet-safe cleaner. Remember, it works the best  Just mix water, white vinegar, and a drop of Dawn dish soap in a squirt bottle.

This easy yet powerful solution works great on different surfaces. Keep it handy for quick action on spills and stains. Believe this process. It is a speedy return to a clean home.

10. Upgrade Your Indoor and Outdoor Rugs

Upgrade your rugs to indoor-outdoor ones for better protection against dirt and water from your pets. Stylish options in various colors are now available. It ensures that they effortlessly match your decor.

Strategically place small rugs to create specific areas near entrances and your pets’ favorite spots. Remember, it helps to catch dirt and water.

11. Use Dark Paint to Hide Smudges with Style

Choose dark paint that hides smudges from wet noses and mud from tails. Go for glossy options which add sophistication and are also easy to wipe clean.

Extend this trick to cabinets and walls in areas your pets frequent. It effortlessly keeps your pet-friendly home neat and clean.

12. Keep Pet Bowls Clean with Cooking Spray.

A quick spray of cooking oil can do wonders to keep pet food bowls clean. This handy trick stops stains and also gives an extra layer of protection.

It doesn’t add any extra calories to your pets’ meals. It is. a simple step with big results. It even ensures a tidy dining spot for your furry pets.

13. Use Gloves to Get Rid of Pet Fur!

Just wear latex gloves and let them be your ultimate fur fighter. Swipe your gloved hands over furniture, car seats, and other surfaces where pet hair gathers.

The fur sticks to the gloves, making cleanup a breeze. It’s a simple yet effective trick for a space free from fur.

14. Remove Stains with Shaving Cream

For tough stains like dog vomit or cat pee use shaving cream works. Choose a foam-based option and see the stains vanish.

Spray it on, let it sit and foam for a minute, then wipe it with warm water. This easy trick saved an old oriental rug, showing that sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective.

15. Use a Skewer to Wipe Away Hard Spots

Cleaning those hard-to-reach spots is oddly satisfying. Use a skewer wrapped with a baby wipe to remove these spots. It becomes your secret weapon.

Pets leave dirt in nooks and crannies, like between hardwood floorboards and bathroom corners. This simple cleaning hack works wonders on those tricky spots.

16. Try Vacuuming

Dealing with pet hair trails? Use a powerful vacuum to clean your home. Find one with strong suction and a HEPA filter to trap germs.

Remember to vacuum your pet’s bed. Don’t forget to tackle chairs, and curtains where dog and cat leave their fur and hair.

Importance of Using Eco-Friendly Products to Clean Your Home You Have Pets

Keep your pets safe by using eco-friendly cleaning products at home. Regular cleaners have chemicals that can harm your pets. They can cause skin and breathing issues. Since pets tend to lick and chew on things, using traditional cleaning products may mean they accidentally swallow harmful chemicals.

Eco-friendly products are, made from natural ingredients. That is why, they are a safer choice for pets. They don’t have harmful chemicals and are biodegradable, being kind to both your pets and the environment.

The EPA warns that substances like phosphorous, nitrogen, and ammonia are not only bad for the environment but can also harm pets.

Switch to eco-friendly cleaning products for a pet-friendly and environmentally conscious home. Chemical household products are a leading cause of pet illnesses. So, choosing greener options is a caring decision for your pets’ well-being.

Wrapping Up

Finally, if you are a pet owner, you must keep your home clean with eco-friendly products. I believe you have gone through this entire blog. Follow these experts’ suggested 16 ways to clean your home when you have a pet.

From regular cleaning to pet-safe products, each tip ensures a cleaner, safer, and happier space. Live the best life with your pets while maintaining a clean home. An eco-friendly home is not just good for you and your pets but also for the planet.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.