carnations online delivery

Carnation flowers are one of the most beautiful flowers that are available in white, pink and red colors. Their fragrance is pleasing enough to win anyone’s heart. These flowers signify fascination, protection, healing, strength and love. Different color carnations have different symbolism. If you have a constant source of carnations online delivery and want to prepare bouquets from them like a pro to gift your near and dear ones, here are a few useful tips to arrange carnation flowers in bouquets like a pro.

Carnation flowers are stunningly simple and to arrange them is nearly effortless if you know the right tricks. All you need to do is to use a low and round bubble vase that can present blooms to accuracy and you can then present it like a perfectly made bouquet. To make this bouquet perfect you need a floral shear and just 5 minutes.

If you have floral shears and a bubble vase and a couple of other items, you can arrange these flowers perfectly like a pro. Let us first see how to choose and prepare a bouquet from carnations.

How to Choose Carnations?

When you order carnations online delivery, you should be careful about the blooms you choose. Number of blooms that you choose depends on the size of bubble vase and on the flower size. Combination of lighter pink or baby pink carnations with darker pink or white ones look just amazing.

You need to trim your carnations and remove extra foliage from them to make them a fit for the bouquet.

Step-by-step Tips to Choose Carnation Flower in Bouquet

Largest and the Fluffiest Bloom Should be in Center

The largest and fluffiest bloom should always be kept for the center. This gives the bouquet a fluffier look. Rest of the flowers have to be added around this centerpiece in a criss-cross pattern. Begin with darker pink flowers and surround them with the flowers of lighter color.

Lighter Pink Blooms Between the Darker Ones

Pink blooms in between the darker ones appear just awesome. You can choose either two different tones or can choose one solid impressive color according to the choice of recipient. Blooms that are not opened up can be coaxed out with the help of fingertips.

Maintain a Dome Shape If You Are Using a Vase

Flowers around the edges of the vase should be trimmed slightly to give them a dome shape. Do not try to make this flower arrangement too fussy as if you do so it will look messed up.

Aim for These Basic Rules

There are certain basic rules for flower arrangement. If you keep in mind these rules like balance, proportion, scale, unity, harmony, balance and rhythm, your bouquet will look beautiful. This is what professional florists do.

Arrange your carnations in a way that the entire work looks balanced and perfect. Flower arrangement should be unique and harmonious.

Organize Flowers by Adding the Largest Flowers At First

You can begin by adding the largest flower first then you can work in a circle and make very sure to make the entire arrangement look symmetrical that would give this bouquet a professional look. Layer in the next variety of the flowers and repeat the entire process till you add all the flowers. Give you bouquet a professional touch by adding greenery, berries and grasses.

Have a Color Scheme in Mind??

Carnations are available in different colors in the market. There are multiple choices for the floral arrangement and you can achieve the look that you need. A singular color bouquet can look appealing and perfectly stunning. You can play with textures and height as well. Playing with different colors and giving wings to creativity is so much fun for a floral arrangement.

Bottom Line

Pretty and fragrance rich flowers like carnations are always an admirable gift. If a special occasion of your near and dear ones is round the corner and you have plans to make them feel special, you can choose to arrange carnations like a pro by using the above given tips. Decorating them with foliage is highly recommended. Check whether your carnation online flower delivery service is reliable enough to deliver flowers right on time.

About The Flower

Amanda Harris is content manager at Toronto Flora, a florist shop in Toronto. She loves to share her ideas on social media on lifestyle, health, business and more.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.