
In autoimmune diseases, scleroderma presents as a complex condition affecting the connective tissues, resulting in skin hardening and internal organ complications. Diagnosing and treating scleroderma requires a comprehensive evaluation and a multidisciplinary approach. This overview aims to provide you with insights into how doctors diagnose and treat this condition, offering a glimpse into the diagnostic methods employed and the diverse treatment approaches utilized.

How Doctors Diagnose and Treat Scleroderma

Examination and Medical History

A complete medical history and physical examination are essential to a scleroderma diagnosis. Doctors will pay close attention as you describe your symptoms and ask you when they started and how they have changed over time. They’ll also ask about your health, your family’s health, and any environmental factors you may have been exposed to. The degree of the condition can be determined through a thorough physical examination of your skin, joints, and internal organs. Your doctor will look for signs of thickening, tightness, or changes in the texture of your skin. They will also check for swelling and abnormalities in the joints. In addition, they will check your vitals by listening to your heart and lungs and examining your belly for signs of organ involvement.

Blood Analysis

Your doctor may request blood tests to help with the diagnosis of scleroderma. These examinations can help doctors confirm a diagnosis and gauge the severity of an illness. The antinuclear antibody (ANA) test is a popular blood test to identify scleroderma-related autoantibodies. An increase in certain autoantibodies may indicate an autoimmune reaction. C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are two more blood markers that can be used to evaluate inflammation. These blood tests, in addition to your medical history and the results of a physical examination, help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis of scleroderma and formulate an appropriate treatment plan.

Biopsy of the Skin

A skin biopsy may be recommended for the diagnosis of scleroderma in some circumstances. A skin biopsy removes a small piece of skin for microscopic analysis. Scleroderma can be confirmed as a diagnosis and distinguished from other skin disorders by means of this method. Collagen thickening and the presence of inflammatory cells are just two examples of the structural alterations revealed by the biopsy sample. Together with other diagnostic findings, the skin biopsy results help your doctor decide what treatment is best for you and how to keep your disease under control.

Scientific Imaging

Scleroderma can be diagnosed and assessed in large part because of imaging tests. In order to determine the severity of organ damage and track the development of the disease, your doctor may suggest a series of imaging tests. Imaging techniques like X-rays, CT scans, and MRI can be used to see inside the body and see things like the lungs, heart, and intestines. These imaging procedures produce high-resolution visuals that can be used to diagnose conditions like pulmonary fibrosis or gastrointestinal distress. Your doctor will be able to make better decisions about therapy and closely monitor any changes over time if they can see the damaged organs on a screen. The results of imaging studies help doctors better understand your condition and make treatment decisions for scleroderma.


Scleroderma treatment relies heavily on medication for symptom relief and disease suppression. Your doctor may prescribe individualized medication based on your unique symptoms and organ involvement. In order to calm the excessive immune response that often accompanies scleroderma, immunosuppressants may be administered.

Calcium channel blockers and prostacyclin analogs are vasodilators that can increase blood flow and reduce symptoms of conditions like Raynaud’s. In addition, creams or ointments applied topically may be recommended for the management of localized skin problems and improvement of skin health.

Medical Treatments: Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

Scleroderma patients can benefit greatly from participating in both physical and occupational therapy programs. These treatments aim to keep joints flexible and mobile, alleviate pain and stiffness, and boost overall physical performance. In physical therapy, you’ll work on specific exercises and stretches to increase mobility, muscle strength, and flexibility. Occupational therapy’s primary goal is to help patients improve their functional independence by teaching them how to execute daily tasks with less effort and greater safety. The therapists will collaborate with you to create a unique treatment plan and provide you with tools to control your symptoms and continue living on your own.


Surgery may be considered as part of the treatment approach for scleroderma in cases with serious organ involvement or consequences. Lung transplantation, for instance, may be considered for people with extensive lung illness caused by scleroderma. Lung transplantation is a surgical technique in which healthy donor lungs replace damaged lungs to enhance respiratory function and quality of life. Complications unique to scleroderma, such as digital ulcers or digestive issues, may necessitate additional surgical procedures. Your healthcare team will give serious thought to surgical choices, and they will conduct a complete evaluation to figure out if surgery is right for you and if it would be beneficial.

Adjustments to One’s Way of Life

Changing some aspects of your routine can positively affect your health and help you better cope with scleroderma. To lessen the severity of symptoms and prevent consequences, the skin should be protected from extreme cold or damage. Maintaining healthy skin can be accomplished through the use of proper clothing, moisturizing, and avoiding the use of harsh chemicals. Continuing to smoke is strongly discouraged because of the negative effects on lung involvement and overall disease development that it can have. Relief from symptoms and enhanced resiliency may result from stress management approaches like meditation or breathing exercises.

A healthy diet that includes enough water and nutritious foods can also help your immune system do its job. Consistent exercise that considers your strengths and weaknesses can help keep your joints limber, your blood pumping, and your muscles strong. By incorporating these lifestyle modifications, you can positively impact your overall well-being and potentially improve your scleroderma life expectancy.


Comprehensive and multidisciplinary approaches are needed for the diagnosis and treatment of scleroderma. A diagnosis is made after thoroughly evaluating the patient’s medical history, a physical examination, laboratory tests, skin biopsies, and imaging studies. Medication, such as immunosuppressants and vasodilators, and other forms of therapy, such as physical and occupational therapy, may be used to treat patients after a diagnosis has been made and symptoms have been assessed. Extreme organ involvement or consequences may call for surgical intervention. People with scleroderma can improve their symptom management and quality of life with early diagnosis and consistent therapy.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.