bentonite clay

Beauty has been an age-oldtradition; from the time we could possibly recall beauty has always been a well-known and talked about subject. Although beauty traditions and needs have changed over the years it was something that has existed for as long as people have been on earth. The need to look and feel good has had people looking for all sorts of natural and artificial remedies. 

However now with the awareness of how cosmetics and beauty products are been made with its negative impact such as animal testing and consumption of chemicals, people are going back to their roots. Beauty and cosmetic companies and even individual buyers are looking for more natural remedies that have reduced impact on their skin and the environment. 

Bentonite clay is one of them. Made from volcanic ash trapped in a seabed, this clay has a soft texture that provides a great number of benefits for skin. Here are some of the benefits of using bentonite clay for everyday use. 

Reduces toxins

One of the most known and studied benefits of bentonite clay is that it absorbs toxins from inside the body. It is usually ingested in small quantities and absorbs whatever chemicals and toxins have entered the body by food or other forms. Although this is a practice that has been happening for many years it is still consumed by many people and it’s no surprise as there is plenty of reason to prove why it really does work. 

Acne and skin impurities

The biggest reason for acne, pimples and oily skin is the dirt build up that the body cannot get rid of on its own. It is a condition that is faced by many people all with different skin types. Bentonite clay is known to be a great way to reduce acne build up and help clear oily skin. 

You simply have to apply it to your face as a facemask over a period of time. It removes impurities and toxins relieving the skin. If you are looking for Bentonite clay Australia has online stores like Cell Squared that provide packets ready for purchase. 

Treating rashes and cuts

There are plenty of natural remedies for rashes and skin cuts that are better than over the counter prescription. Bentonite clay is one of them. if you are having a rash, allergy or even have come into contact with something poisonous this clay can be rubbed over it in order to absorb the toxins out. 

Once your rash has been washed with soap all you have to do is mix the clay with water and apply over the rash. You may need to do this a few times but it will definitely relieve the skin. Relieving constipation

If you are feeling bloated and constipated a small amount of the clay can be ingested to relieve your stomach. The clay breaks down the toxins and eases the digestive system. It may not be the best solution but it can provide comfort.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.