full stack developer interview

A full-stack developer is someone who is able to develop software for both the user and the service provider. This entails being proficient in front-end and back-end languages. Their work includes, but is not limited to, developing front and back end web architecture, server-side applications managing databases, and creating interactive applications for companies. 

Gaper’s hiring team, having conducted a rigorous recruiting cycles, has a few questions that usually help to hire a full stack develoapers and prepare them in advance for. Just remember that recruiters are not strict about getting perfectly correct and well-crafted answers from you. A lot of the questions only serve to establish your familiarity and readiness for the technical role you are being interviewed for. 

Q: What programming language do you prefer?

A: Be smart about answering this. Full-Stack developers need to be profiecient in a variety of languages. If you sound too eager about one language, it may indicate that you aren’t skillful in others. By all means, share your favorite language, but do sneak in a mention of how skillful you are in others as well.

Q: Can you define CORS?

A: Expect random technical questions. CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a process used to access different web resources on different domains. It allows web scripts to be integrated with content that is external to the original domain to help achieve better integration between web services.

Q: What is DevOps?

A: Another technical question aimed to test your knowledge on recent concepts. DevOps is a fairly new concept in the tech field. It simply refers to the collaboration and communication between software developers and other technology (IT) professionals. Such a practice is aimed at fast development and completion of a software product while reducing the chances of failure. This question may also be used to assess your views, knowledge and personal proclivities to collaborating with your colleagues and working in teams.

Q: Do you keep yourself up to date with developments in the tech industry?

A: The tech world experiences new developments on a very consistent basis. You will be expected to, at least to some extent, be making an effort to stay caught up with the industry you are applying to. Your answer can include your own personal approaches to updating your knowledge or even an explanation of how your social circle or events you attend help you stay abreast of everything. Definitely mention any personal projects you work on even if they are not of a very good quality.

Q: Is there something you self-taught yourself recently?

A: A question to test how receptive and open you are to learning. Learning new things is part and parcel of this work. Again, make it a point to talk about any personal projects that you practised new things with. Talk about online classes, YouTube lectures, books or even discussions you have had with others. Don’t leave the interviewer with the impression that your knowledge has stayed stagnant in the past few months.

Q: To you, what skills are crucial for full-stack developers to possess?

A: This question serves a dual purpose. First, to evaluate whether you have an idea of what you are getting yourself into. Secondly, to test your knowledge about what typical firms expect of someone in this position. Talk about the technical skills required of full-stack developer, but do not forget to talk about the soft skills. Make an emphasis on team work and collaborations.

The following questions are geared towards individuals who are expected to be more experienced and well-versed with the work associated with such a position.

Q: Recount any one of your work projects, the technologies used, and decision-making employed.

A: This question will be aimed towards assessing the methodologies you have used as a full stack web developer and your rationale for choosing to do things the way you did. Be specific and highlight anything you think plays to your advantage. Exhibit your expertise in both the front-end and the back-end development of web applications. Highlight any teamwork elements you had to engage with.

Q: How have you dealt with code inefficiencies and debugging?

A: Anything you attempted to hide in your previous answers will very likely be revealed through this one. Recruiters will use your answer to get an idea of the nature of projects you have had experiences with. Be very precise about any problems you encountered and what steps and reasonings you exercised to deal with them. Talk about what you learnt and how it will help you in your future projects. The question may also offer a peak into the quality standards you hold a product to but also how you engage with fellow colleagues. Your social intelligence will be judged along with your technical skills.

Q: Differentiate between blue/green deployment and a rolling deployment?

A: In the former, there are two complete environments. The blue environment runs while the green environment is the one you want to upgrade to. Once the environment upgrade is made, traffic is directed to the green environment. The old blue environment can be deleted or saved until the green environment becomes stable.

In rolling deployment, there is only one complete environment. Instead of deploying the code to all servers at once, it is deployed one-by-one, in parts to each server.

Q: Recount any mistakes you made and what you learnt from them?

A: Just be honest with this one. Talking about your mistakes will not play against you. Highlight what you learnt while also reflecting on why and how you took relevant steps.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.