Business Plan

Everyone is trying hard to have their own business these days. You will find plenty of startups that are struggling to find investors who can help them have ample funds to survive in the market. The stronger the funding, the better are the chances for business to flourish. Designing a roadmap to get started with your plan is what helps you to get the right amount of funding. You will find a number of articles or can download YouTube videos related to it and every one of them is going to emphasize making a written business plan if you really want the funding and make your venture a success. Let’s get started with tips to make your roadmap more effective:

Do What Works for You:

There isn’t any strictly formal method for writing your business plan. You can write it the way it works for you. Whether you want to add graphs, bullet points, paragraphs, diagrams, or all of them, just make sure that it explains your point of view clearly and will grab the attention of your investors. The more precisely comprehensive it will be the greater will be your chances to get the funding. If you have everything already on your mind, then it will take you’re an hour to make it all written.

What Features it Should Include?

Your business plan should include everything that you want to be conveyed to the funders. We have jotted down some key features for you to take under consideration and must include them in your proposal to make it look more impressive and would compel the person to accept it:

Your Mission Statement:

Your mission statement is what needs to be at top of everything else. Your basic things like what your company primarily does, what are your goals, how your company is going to be a success, some basic information about the company’s leadership, employees and location is what will introduce your company to the funders. An executive summary is a crucial part of your business plan. It has to precise, accurate, and to the point.

Describing Your Company:

Your company’s description should include information regarding the company’s working method. How you are planning to pave the road to success. What companies or organizations you are planning to work with or serve in the future? How many experts you have onboard? Have you found the perfect location for your store etc.? Such information will help in boosting up your company’s strength and will make it appear to be a genuinely struggling venture.

Market Analysis:

You need to have a sound knowledge about the industry you are choosing to work in, what is the working strategy of your competitors, or what sort of products are in demand, etc. Market analysis in your report increases the credibility of your business plan. Make sure to put some effort into doing market analysis as this will define and amplify your dedication to the business project.

Marketing Strategies:

Your marketing strategy is something that attracts the funders most. Since markets are evolving at a rapid pace and trends are changing every day, you will have to come up with a plan that can make you win the marketing game in the upcoming years. It should be innovative; it has to be unique.

Funding Request:

This is the part that your funder will surely expect to be brief yet clear. You need to state your goals and your funding requirements very clearly to avoid any misconception. Give a detailed description of how and where all the funds are going to be used, i.e. if you need them to pay salaries, cover bills, or buy material.


Add appendix at the end of the document to attach the additional information and documents such as credit histories, revenue reports, resumes, legal documents, contracts, reference letters, licenses, etc. 

Final Thoughts:

There aren’t any set criteria to write a business plan however, these features are must-haves to make it a complete and credible plan that will inspire the funders. Make sure to take your time and come up with something that perfectly defines your goals and your expectations from the project. Above all, believe in yourself first and the rest will follow! 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.