
A well-designed website is important for any business looking to create an impression in the digital world. Creating an efficient user experience (UX) can help you create an excellent, user-friendly, and visually beautiful website.

People and web design companies have understood that having a strong online presence can attract more consumers and raise brand recognition. However, the internet is densely packed with web pages. The results will include thousands of web pages for whatever you search for on Google or Ecosia. As a result, you must devise strategies to capture the visitors’ interest.

The top focus should be making sure your website looks attractive and delivers a smooth user experience. WebFX research revealed:

  • The web design of your site is responsible for 94% of first impressions.
  • The design of a website contributes 75% of its trustworthiness.
  • Following a negative user experience, 89% of consumers will purchase with a rival.

Design is marketing since it represents your brand’s personality, but you want to convey your brand in an appealing way to your audience. This article will discuss the 7 Key Principles for visually appealing websites.

7 Key Principles for Visually Appealing Websites:

Design principles are the rules that artists follow when creating their work. Balance, rhythm, contrast, unity, and other design elements are all essential. Understanding and implementing these concepts allows artists to create aesthetically beautiful artwork that is acceptable to the eye and successfully expresses their message.

Keep your design balanced:

Balance is important to ensure that your design does not lean to one side or the other. It is similar to the balance of weight in producing symmetry or asymmetry.

Look at the dog in the top graphic of Khoi Vinh’s Subtraction website, which is seen below. This example is from the book The Principles of Beautiful Web Design by Jason Beaird. Jason emphasizes how the cross to the right compensates for the extra visual weight the dog provides to the left. It’s a tiny yet critical element. Conceal the cross with your hand to see for yourself.

This is called asymmetrical balance, which is the essence of balancing. If you’re careful about putting things out there, your design can quickly become balanced. Color, size, and adding or deleting components are all ways to alter the visual weight of a design.  If you made the cross a bright orange, it would become heavier and throw the arrangement off again. Achieving asymmetrical balance is a susceptible topic that requires time to fine-tune and a slightly trained eye to pull off


Designers often use contrast to draw the viewer’s attention to a particular piece on a page. Designers can construct a startling visual impact by putting a light color on a dark backdrop, or vice versa.

Contrast can also create a sense of movement or flow within a design. Web design companies can create a sense of depth and movement by utilizing brighter colors for background elements and darker colors for foreground items.

Furthermore, contrast can express diverse moods or messages within a design. Warm colors, for example, are connected with enthusiasm or enjoyment, while cold colors are frequently employed to produce a sense of tranquility or relaxation. Finally, contrast is a very adaptable element that can be employed in various ways to produce aesthetically appealing and successful designs.


Another principle of UX design is continually producing an excellent website. The designs and functionality must be consistent across your goods and pages. But it’s also worth noting that many of the most successful and well-known websites and applications employ the same design templates for user interfaces, independent of button layout or navigation system “flow.”

Use Grids:

Designing a visually appealing website is difficult, especially starting from scratch. However, several strategies may assist you in achieving this result with less effort. Many tools, such as WordPress, help you quickly design your website. Several themes are available that you may personalize to build an eye-catching website.

If you don’t want to use templates, use grids instead. It’s far more convenient to organize specific grids based on the material and make your template. Whichever alternative you choose, you should be aware that they will assist you in creating a balanced, clean, and fluid design.


Another critical feature that is a vital part of UX design is hierarchy. Implementing this method in your design process will provide various benefits. It makes it easier for users to traverse your website and locate what they’re looking for. It’s also important since it will help you, as a designer, to understand how your website works.

Left vs. Right:

The six fundamental principles are an exciting one. Nielsen Norman Group’s most recent investigations and polls revealed an intriguing need for web design. People read websites from left to right.

 Their reading bears the shape of an F. This might be owing to Google’s use of this approach in its design. When you search for something, the results will appear as a list on the left side. The right side is generally kept for sneak peeks or brief profiles. This may be unrelated to the objective of your website. However, there is a conclusion to this study. The most important elements or messages you wish to convey through your web design company site should be on the page’s left side. You can be sure that visitors will read or view it in this format.


Unity is an important principle to remember while designing anything, whether a website, a brochure, or even a simple flyer. Essentially, unity refers to the overall cohesion of the design; all pieces should work together to produce a united aesthetic.

There are various methods for achieving design unity. One method is to employ repetition, which may be accomplished by utilizing similar colours, forms, or patterns throughout the design. Another way to create unity is by contrast; by utilizing opposing colors or forms, you may generate visual intrigue and draw the viewer’s eye around the design.

Alignment contributes to unity; ensuring all parts are aligned in a clean and ordered approach offers the design structure and solidity.


Finally, following these seven UX principles while designing a website will create a pleasurable and user-friendly experience for your visitors. Consider their needs, build a strong visual appeal, enable Searchability, optimize for multiple devices and platforms, maintain consistency, and recognize the importance of process feedback. Finally, these tactics will ensure consumers have a positive experience with your website, resulting in higher conversions and client loyalty. The Denver web design company is an expert in providing excellent services of website designing.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.