utdoor water fountains

As the weather gets colder, you’ll need to take some extra care of your outdoor fountains. Here are a few tips to help you keep your fountain running smoothly all winter long.

1. Keep the water level up. Make sure to top off your fountain’s water level regularly, especially if it starts to freeze outside. A frozen water fountain can crack and damage the pump, so it’s important to keep the water flowing.

2. Use a water conditioner. If your water is particularly hard or contains a lot of minerals, you may want to use a water conditioner in your fountain. This will help prevent scale buildup and keep your pump working properly.

3. Cover the fountain when necessary. If it starts to snow or the temperatures dip below freezing, you may need to cover your water fountain with a tarp or cloth. This will protect it from the elements and help keep the water from freezing.

4. Bring the fountain indoors. If you can’t keep your water fountain running outdoors all winter, you can always bring it inside. Just make sure to empty it out first and then store it in a cool, dry place.


Yes, you can run your outdoor water fountain in the winter as long as you take some extra care. Make sure to keep the water level up and use a water conditioner to prevent scale buildup. You may also need to cover the fountain when it’s cold outside or bring it indoors if it starts to freeze. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your water fountain running all winter long.


If the temperatures dip below freezing, you’ll need to take some extra steps to protect your water fountain. Make sure to empty out the water and then either bring the fountain indoors or cover it with a tarp or cloth. This will help prevent the water from freezing and damaging the pump.


Yes, you can run your outdoor water fountain in the winter as long as you take some extra care. Make sure to keep the water level up and use a water conditioner to prevent scale buildup. You may also need to cover the fountain when it’s cold outside or bring it indoors if it starts to freeze. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your water fountain running all winter long.

10 benefits of fountains –  

Fountains can add beauty and relaxation to any setting, but did you know that they offer some additional benefits as well? Here are 10 reasons to consider adding a water fountain to your home or office.

1. Fountains can help you relax. The sound of running water is known to be soothing and can help reduce stress levels.

2. Fountains can improve the air quality. The water vapor released by the fountain can help purify the air and reduce dust and pollen levels.

3. Fountains can provide white noise. If you live in a busy area or have trouble sleeping, the sound of a water fountain can help mask unwanted noise and create a more peaceful environment.

4. Fountains can increase humidity. The water vapor released by the fountain can help to raise the humidity level in a room, which can be beneficial for people with respiratory problems.

5. Fountains can be used as humidifiers. If you live in a dry climate or suffer from allergies, a water fountain can help to add moisture to the air and reduce the symptoms of dryness.

6. Fountains can cool the air. The evaporating water from the fountain can help to lower the temperature in a room, making it more comfortable on hot days.

7. Fountains can save energy. By raising the humidity level in a room, fountains can help reduce the need for artificial heating and cooling, which can save energy and money.

8. Fountains can increase oxygen levels. The water vapor released by the fountain can help to increase the level of oxygen in a room, which can be beneficial for people with respiratory problems.

9. Fountains can reduce static electricity. The water vapor released by the fountain can help to reduce the static electricity in a room, which can be helpful for electronics.

10. Fountains can be used as decoration. Water fountains come in a variety of styles and can be used to add beauty and interest to any setting.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.