vue.js development tools

Vue.js has firmly established itself as a leading JavaScript framework for web application development, known for its simplicity, versatility, and vibrant community. In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying updated with the latest tools and resources is paramount to harnessing Vue.js’s full potential. As we step into 2023, Vue.js continues to evolve, and developers have access to an impressive array of tools and utilities designed to enhance their productivity and streamline the development process.

This comprehensive guide for best tools for Vue.js Development serves as a valuable resource for both experienced Vue.js developers and newcomers to the framework. Within these pages, we’ll explore a curated selection of tools that can help you build exceptional web applications. From powerful development environments and state management libraries to debugging tools and design resources, you’ll discover the tools that can elevate your Vue.js projects to new heights in 2023.

Top 10 VueJS Development Tools For Use in 2023

Certainly! Here’s a list of the “10 Best Tools for Vue.js Development in 2023” that can help you enhance your Vue.js projects:

Vue CLI (Vue Command Line Interface): 

Vue CLI (Vue Command Line Interface) stands out as an indispensable asset for developers. This powerful tool simplifies and streamlines the process of building Vue.js applications, making it a top choice for many Vue.js enthusiasts. Vue CLI offers a wide range of features, including project scaffolding, code generation, and a development server with hot-reloading capabilities, which significantly boost productivity. With Vue CLI, developers can effortlessly manage project configurations, plugins, and dependencies, ensuring a smooth and efficient development workflow. Its extensibility and integration with Vue’s ecosystem of libraries and components make it an essential tool for those looking to harness the full potential of Vue.js in 2023 and beyond. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with Vue.js, Vue CLI is a must-have tool for optimizing your Vue.js development process.


In the dynamic world of Vue.js development, Vuex remains a cornerstone for state management in Vue.js applications. As applications become increasingly complex, maintaining a clear and organized state becomes paramount, and Vuex steps up to the challenge. It serves as Vue.js’s official state management library, providing developers with a structured and efficient means of handling data across components. Vuex helps developers centralize and manage application-level state, facilitating data sharing and synchronization effortlessly. With its strict adherence to a unidirectional data flow, Vuex promotes code predictability and maintainability, making it an essential tool for Vue.js developers in 2023. As applications continue to scale and evolve, Vuex ensures that developers can maintain control over their data and deliver robust, performant Vue.js applications. Whether you’re building a small project or a large-scale application, Vuex’s role in state management remains pivotal in the Vue.js development landscape for the year ahead.

Vue Router: 

The Vue Router is an indispensable tool that continues to play a vital role in creating rich, single-page applications. As user interfaces become more complex and interactive, the need for efficient and seamless routing becomes paramount, and Vue Router excels in this domain. It seamlessly integrates with Vue.js applications, enabling developers to implement client-side routing effortlessly. Vue Router offers a robust and flexible routing system that allows for dynamic route matching, nested routes, and transition effects, all of which contribute to a smooth user experience. With features like lazy-loading and navigation guards, Vue Router empowers developers to create performant and secure applications. Whether you’re building a simple website or a sophisticated web app, Vue Router remains a top-tier choice for managing navigation and creating cohesive, responsive Vue.js applications in 2023. Its adaptability and ease of use make it an essential tool for any Vue.js developer looking to deliver engaging and interactive user experiences.


Vetur stands out as an invaluable asset for Vue.js developers. Vetur is a feature-rich Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension tailored specifically for Vue.js development. It provides a seamless and efficient development environment, offering a plethora of features that streamline the coding process. With Vetur, developers benefit from robust code highlighting, auto-completion, and in-depth linting tailored for Vue components, ensuring code quality and consistency. Additionally, it facilitates effortless template and style syntax highlighting, making it easier to identify and correct errors in real time.

What sets Vetur apart is its innate understanding of Vue’s Single-File Components (SFCs), allowing developers to navigate between template, script, and style sections with ease. Furthermore, Vetur supports advanced features like snippet insertion, emmet expansion, and integrated Vue.js documentation access. Its constant updates and community-driven development make it an essential tool for Vue.js enthusiasts seeking to maximize their productivity and code quality in 2023. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with Vue.js, Vetur’s integration with Visual Studio Code empowers you to craft efficient, maintainable, and visually appealing Vue.js applications with confidence and precision.

Vue Devtools: 

Vue Devtools continues to be a pivotal tool for Vue.js developers. Vue Devtools is a browser extension that provides an insightful and indispensable set of features for debugging and inspecting Vue.js applications. This tool offers real-time visibility into the inner workings of your Vue.js components, allowing developers to examine the component hierarchy, inspect props, data, and computed properties, and even track events as they occur. Vue Devtools provides a live component tree, empowering developers to understand how their application’s components interact and update in response to changes in state.

What sets Vue Devtools apart is its ability to dive deep into the Vue.js application’s state management, offering direct access to Vuex stores. This facilitates the tracking and debugging of complex state-related issues, making it an invaluable resource for developers working on larger Vue.js applications. Moreover, Vue Devtools provides a time-traveling feature that lets developers rewind and replay state changes, simplifying the debugging process further. Whether you’re a seasoned Vue.js developer or just getting started, Vue Devtools is an essential companion for ensuring smooth and error-free Vue.js application development in 2023. It empowers developers with the visibility and tools they need to optimize performance and streamline development workflows.

Vue Test Utils: 

Vue Test Utils emerges as an essential resource for ensuring the robustness and reliability of Vue.js applications. Vue Test Utils is an officially supported utility library that empowers developers to write comprehensive and effective unit and integration tests for Vue components. With the increasing emphasis on test-driven development and code quality, Vue Test Utils plays a pivotal role in enabling developers to maintain the integrity of their Vue.js applications.

This library provides a wide range of utilities and methods for mounting Vue components, interacting with them, and asserting their behavior. Developers can simulate user interactions, trigger events, and inspect component states effortlessly, all while running tests in familiar testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha. Vue Test Utils seamlessly integrates with popular testing tools, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.

As Vue.js applications continue to grow in complexity and scale, Vue Test Utils ensures that developers can confidently validate their code and prevent regressions. Whether you’re building a small Vue.js widget or a large-scale SPA, Vue Test Utils should be a fundamental part of your development toolkit in 2023, helping you maintain code quality, reduce bugs, and deliver high-quality Vue.js applications with confidence.


Nuxt.js retains its position as a game-changer, offering developers a robust framework for building server-side-rendered (SSR) and statically generated Vue.js applications. Nuxt.js provides a structured and opinionated approach to Vue.js application development, enabling developers to create fast, SEO-friendly, and highly optimized web applications with ease.

One of Nuxt.js’s standout features is its automatic routing system, which simplifies the creation of routes, layouts, and pages, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than configuring routes manually. It also provides built-in support for server-side rendering and static site generation, making it an excellent choice for performance-critical applications and SEO-sensitive projects.

Furthermore, Nuxt.js seamlessly integrates with popular technologies like Vuex for state management and Axios for HTTP requests, streamlining the development process. Its modular architecture enables easy expansion through the addition of modules, making it adaptable to a wide range of project requirements.

With Nuxt.js, developers can take full advantage of Vue.js’s capabilities while enjoying enhanced performance and SEO benefits, making it a top choice for creating modern web applications in 2023. Whether you’re building a blog, an e-commerce site, or a complex web app, Nuxt.js is a valuable tool that simplifies development and ensures a top-notch user experience.

Element UI: 

Element UI stands as a reliable and feature-rich component library that dramatically simplifies the process of creating stunning and functional user interfaces. Element UI offers a comprehensive set of customizable UI components, including buttons, forms, modals, tables, and more, all designed to integrate with Vue.js applications seamlessly. This library provides developers with the building blocks they need to craft visually appealing and responsive user interfaces while adhering to modern design principles and best practices.

Element UI’s popularity stems from its ease of use, extensive documentation, and active community support. It empowers developers to accelerate their development process by providing pre-designed components that can be easily tailored to match the project’s aesthetics and functionality requirements. Furthermore, Element UI follows accessibility standards, ensuring that applications built with it are inclusive and user-friendly.

In 2023, Element UI remains a top choice for Vue.js developers seeking to create polished and professional-looking applications efficiently. Its wide array of components, consistent design language, and compatibility with Vue.js make it a valuable tool for crafting engaging user interfaces, saving developers time and effort in the process. Whether you’re working on a personal project or a large-scale application, Element UI can be a significant asset in your Vue.js development toolkit.

Vue Design System: 

The Vue Design System takes a prominent position as an essential resource for creating cohesive and maintainable design systems in Vue.js applications. Vue Design System offers a structured and organized approach to designing and developing user interfaces, making it easier for teams to collaborate on design and development tasks while maintaining design consistency and brand integrity.

This tool enables developers to define and document reusable UI components, design patterns, and guidelines within a centralized system. It promotes design modularity and code reusability, ensuring that UI elements are consistent across the entire application. Vue Design System also facilitates easy integration with Vue.js projects, making it a seamless process to incorporate design components into your application codebase.

With Vue Design System, developers and designers can work hand-in-hand to create visually appealing, accessible, and user-friendly interfaces while adhering to best practices in design and development. This collaboration ensures that the application maintains a consistent and polished look and feel, even as it evolves. As Vue.js development continues to evolve in 2023, the Vue Design System is a valuable tool for teams and individuals striving to deliver exceptional user experiences and maintain design coherence throughout their projects.


Storybook takes its place as a critical resource for building, documenting, and testing Vue.js components in isolation. Storybook is a powerful and versatile tool that allows developers to create a living, interactive component library, making it easier to develop, maintain, and showcase UI components within a Vue.js application.

With Storybook, developers can break down complex user interfaces into individual components and develop them independently. It provides a dedicated environment for building and testing these components in isolation, which not only accelerates the development process but also enhances code quality and reusability. Developers can create stories, which are test cases or usage examples for each component, providing comprehensive documentation and usage guidelines.

Moreover, Storybook offers a wealth of add-ons and integrations, enabling developers to incorporate various tools, such as design systems, accessibility testing, and visual regression testing, into their workflow seamlessly. This makes it an invaluable asset for teams aiming to maintain consistency and quality in their Vue.js applications.

As Vue.js development continues to evolve in 2023, Storybook remains a top choice for component-driven development and documentation. It empowers developers to build and showcase their Vue.js components effectively, fostering collaboration and ensuring that each piece of the user interface is polished and well-documented. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale application, Storybook can significantly enhance your Vue.js development workflow and codebase.


In 2023, the Vue.js development ecosystem is flourishing with a diverse set of tools that empower developers to build high-quality, efficient, and maintainable applications. The ten tools mentioned above, including Vue CLI, Vuex, Vue Router, Vetur, and Vue Devtools, among others, play pivotal roles in simplifying the development process, enhancing code quality, and ensuring optimal user experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned Vue.js developer or just starting with this framework, leveraging these tools can significantly boost your productivity and help you stay at the forefront of Vue.js development in 2023. With these resources at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the Vue.js development landscape.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.