changing education system

Advancements in technology have changed many aspects of society. The recent pandemic has created the need for the use of technology in education as a means of distance learning. Technology has changed the way educational institutions provide their services, and also changed the way teaching and learning are taking place. For example, students can make use of Academic Assignment Help with their schoolwork through the use of technology.

How educational institutions are evolving through technology?

Advancements in technology have helped educational institutions change the way they operate. They have moved their teaching methods online and provide many student services online too.  

1. Changing the mode of teaching from a traditional method to online methods  

The majority of schools and universities all over the world have turned their mode of teaching online in some way. Some schools provide certain programs that are entirely online, such as summer courses. Students also have a choice to select the method of learning, whether it is online or face-to-face.

Fully online schools 

Technology has enabled schools to change their entire teaching online. Such fully online schools do not need to have buildings for classes and can operate entirely through virtual means. These institutions provide education at all levels, including school and university level education. Examples of entirely online schools include the Florida Virtual School (n.d.). Students who live in remote areas can take advantage of these types of schools.

Blended learning 

Blended learning means a combination of different modes of teaching, such as online teaching and face-to-face teaching. Schools can use this to help students who have different learning styles and needs. Students who need extra help after classes can take the opportunity of online learning materials provided by the school.

2. Using online resources to help them improve their services

Educational institutions can make use of online resources to improve their methods of teaching. These online resources include the following:

  • Digital libraries: Educational institutions have been making use of online libraries that are available to the public to help their students and teachers in the learning and research process.
  • Online learning resources: there is an abundance of different online resources to choose from, such as videos, interactive textbooks, and podcasts. These have been incorporated in many schools and universities to help the teaching and learning process.  
  • Designing curriculum: Schools can make use of educational resources freely available through the internet to design their curriculum. They can keep updated with all the new information and trends in education and modify them according to the needs of their students.  

How teaching is changing by technology

Advancements in technology have also changed the way teachers perform their jobs and have made teaching more interactive.

1. Changing the role of teachers

Technology has changed the role of teachers in the classroom. Traditionally, the role of teachers was to provide knowledge to students (Purdue University, n.d.). Students were not seen as actively involved in the learning process. Through technology, this has changed. Students actively seek information on their own using computers and other devices. Students can work with their peers to solve problems and work on tasks using internet resources. Teachers are now available as a guide in the learning process.

2. Using digital technology to do administrative tasks

Teachers now have more time to focus on the important tasks as they can give the mundane teaching tasks to technology. these include:

Use AI to answer common student questions 

Teachers get numerous questions from their students, most of which are commonly asked. Instead of taking time to individually answer them, teachers can make use of AI chatbots that have been programmed to answer the basic questions of students. This AI software can be taught all the relevant information related to student services and coursework and can quickly answer any questions the student may have.

Use technology to grade assignments and quizzes 

Teachers have many quizzes and exams to check, which can take a long time and can be stressful. Teachers can now save time by using technology to accurately assess these student evaluations.

3. Increased communication with families of students

Traditionally, teachers could only meet parents by scheduling face-to-face meetings. These meetings were rare and had the constraints of time. Using technology, teachers can stay in touch with parents regarding the progress of the students more regularly. Parents can stay informed about their child’s performance in school more easily through accessing digital report cards and results.

How learning is changing by technology

Students have also greatly benefitted from the application of technology in education.

1. Flexible learning

Students have greatly benefitted from the application of learning techniques that give them the time to manage their lives in a better way. by taking distance learning courses delivered online, students can make room for studying in their busy schedules. This has especially been helpful for part-time students who are working and studying at the same time, or students who have families to take care of.  

2. Learning at their own speed

Self-paced courses have also enabled students to learn at their own pace. Online learning can give them the advantage of revising the concepts as many times as needed. They can learn and process information according to their own needs.

3. Learning based on their individual needs

Learning through technology can be custom-made to suit every student’s needs. AI can use individual information about students by gathering data and then create custom courses based on that information. This helps students with different needs to excel in their courses.

4. Learning for students with special needs

Technology has come a long way in helping students with special needs access information in an effective way. Using specialized audio and visual tools, teachers can easily transmit learning information to students with special needs.

5. Engagement in learning

Technology increases the engagement students have with learning. Using AI-based creative learning lessons, virtual reality experiential learning, and learning through video games, students can increase the interaction they have with the learning process. They can also learn in a fun environment which increases their performance. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.