Car wheel stops

To control traffic movement and avoid slow speed collisions, wheel stops are deployed strategically across an area. They are used to indicate parking areas and separate them from the marked footpaths. They are not substitutes for bollards, because Wheel Stops are considered useful when vehicles are moving at a slow speed. For example, in a parking lot, or the front of a departmental store, a residential building or your garage. All these places are prone to slow speed accidents when lack of judgement can cause collisions with pedestrian traffic and boundary walls.

Wheel Stops have become common in all sorts of buildings, be it commercial or residential. Slow speed collisions may not have a major impact on the driver, but they can cause severe damage to the body of a vehicle. For this reason, modern wheel stops have grown in demand and people are setting them across their desired location. But before you put any of them into your cart, it is important to consider these 5 crucial factors to effectively spend your money on the right product!

1. Material of the Wheel Stops 

In 2022, the most affordable and durable wheel stops will be manufactured using rubber and plastic. These two types of wheel stops are heat and oil resistant, plus they can be used in every weather! Almost five years ago, materials like metal were also used to construct wheel stops. But it was not as durable as rubber, so the demand for those products went down. Rubber wheel stops on the other hand are 100% organic as they are made from recycled rubber. So before dropping those wheel stops into your shopping cart, make sure you check their material. If it’s rubber or plastic, then you are surely being offered the best!

 2.  Do they come with a warranty?

A question that you must ask the manufacturer or vendor. The warranty ensures that you are buying a product that has been tried and tested. The company is proud and trustworthy, and that is why they provide a warranty because breaking down the wheel stop is highly unlikely. Most wheel stops come with a set warranty of 5 years! And if you opt for them, probably you’ll not have to bear the expenses of wheel stops for the next 5 years at least.

 3. Determine the location and opt for the perfect colour

Car wheel stops can be deployed at several locations. They require the least amount of expertise, and one can do it themselves by just going through the user manual. If you are deploying the wheel stop in front of your busy store or shopping centre, then it must have reflective markings of yellow colour. So that a driver may visualise it from a good distance, as wheel stops of other hues can go unnoticed. Whereas if you are buying for your garage or basement, then you can go for blue or red coloured wheel stops. Colours can make a huge difference to unforeseen circumstances, and it is not advised to take any chances.

 4. What will you need in terms of fixings?

Depending upon the location and material of your wheel stops, the fixings can differ. Wheel stops that are manufactured using plastics or rubber do not need any manual fixings, but if you are placing them on a busy road or amidst traffic attracting points, then fixing tools will be instantly useful. Furthermore, if you are opting for concrete wheel stops, you’ll need a full user manual to fix them, and may need the help of a working official to lay it down. Concrete wheel stops are used at utterly busy roads and parking lots to separate pedestrian walking paths. The smaller size of wheel stops instantly halts the slow-moving vehicle and avoids any damage to the body.

 5. Consider the length of the parking space

Wheel stops come in various sizes. If you are looking for one to deploy in your garage, then you may select a standard size of 1650mm. This is quite apt for most cars, but if you are looking to handle the movement of trucks, then there is a size of 2500mm wheel stops that will help you better. Determining the size of vehicles that will need a Parking stopper will help you to buy the ones that exactly match your needs.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.