website conversion

Is it time for your investing website to clean up its act? If you are seeing less traffic and even fewer conversions, it’s time to take action. Your website may be letting you down. If it’s old, slow, and not user-friendly, it’s time to give it a major overhaul. Here are 5 great ways to clean it up and improve conversions.

1. Use Software to Speed Up Certain Functions

You can make use of special software programs to speed up certain functions, such as visual or graphic presentations, on your site. One way more specific to the banking/investing field to improve the experience of investors is to use a deal management platform to simplify the chaos of a fund’s creation, deal closing and ongoing maintenance. There are a few such programs available, but one great option is Glassboard by Assure, that will be ideal for this purpose. This is a great time-saving device that helps visitors interact with your site and improve their experience so you can focus on building relationships and making deals.

2. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Devices

One of the very best things that you can do to maximize your number of conversions will be to optimize your site for mobile devices. These may include Androids, Smartphones, tablets, laptops, iPads, and any number of other new gadgets. Your site needs to be able to load quickly and cleanly on all of them.

The more optimized your site is for mobile devices, the easier it will be to access. People have shorter attention spans than ever before. They want a site to open up in an instant, otherwise, they may lose interest and look elsewhere. As soon as you get the click, you need to open up to do fast business.

3. Clear Out All of the Dead Links

If you really want to give your rate of website conversion a radical overhaul, start by clearing out dead links. If you have links to other sites that no longer exist or applications that are no longer working, get rid of them. You want all of the links on your site to go to material that is relevant, available and useful. Today’s investors are hungry for information to help them make the best decisions possible, so providing them with current and helpful material is key to making you a source they trust and can do business with.

Instead of adding in backlinks or other outgoing functions, you should instead concentrate on installing useful material on your own site. For example, you can overhaul your blog to feature a great deal more relevant and up-to-date material that the visitor can make use of to help them make decisions and eventually deals. Keeping the visitor on your site is the best way to go.

4. Include a Very Clear Call to Action

There should be a very clear call to action right on your front page. This CTA should pop right off the page and catch the instant attention of every visitor. The clearer you make this CTA, the more easily you can quickly explain the entire purpose of your business and make explicit what you can do for customers.

Your call to action can take many different forms. For example, if you want visitors to check out your latest deals or investment options, you can have a pop-up ad that invites them to go straight to that page to see them. Other forms can be colorful graphics and other devices that catch the eye.

5. Make Site Navigation as Easy as Possible

Your number one concern should be to make the navigation of your site as easy as possible. Plan out a clear site map and stick to it. Make sure your visitors know exactly where every part of your site can be found. You want to let them get where they want in a short period of time with the least amount of clicks.

The more cleanly and clearly organized your site is, the easier it will be to use. This will have a major effect on the user experience of the person who visits your site. They want to be able to find what they are looking for in a matter of seconds. Lay it out clearly and you will earn yourself a long-term loyal customer.

Clean Conversions Should Always Be Your Goal

When it comes to improving the quality of your investing website, it’s always best to play it clean. You want the people who click on your site to see a site that is relevant to their needs, easy to use, fully optimized for mobile devices, and makes them feel confident in their ability to make sound investments. The cooler and cleaner the design, the more conversions you will see.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.