Advanced‌ ‌Treatment‌

FUE hair transplant is a procedure done by removing hair follicles from an individual’s head. The surgeon will then implant these hair follicles in the areas where the hair is lost. FUE hair transplant is one of the most popular hair transplant surgeries.

FUE has replaced the follicular unit transplantation. FUT involves the cut of skin, which can lead to scars. FUE has become popular because the process is natural, unlike FUT, which leaves linear scars. Beverly Hills hair restoration clinics offer new hair transplant methods.

Advanced Treatments for Hair Loss

NeoGraft Hair Transplant Technique

Beverly Hills hair transplant clinics advanced hair transplant methods. They have experienced surgeons who know different types of hair loss problems. They also understand how these problems can damage someone’s self-worth. They can improve as well as your emotional health.

Hair restoration surgery is for both men and women. Beverly Hills hair restoration clinics offer a solution for your hair loss problems. The results after the surgery are always very natural, and side effects are less.

NeoGraft is a hair restoration method. It is a technique that is less invasive. It also is an automated FUE hair transplant technique. This method does not need stitches and saves time. The following are some benefits of this method.

Benefits of NeoGraft

· After the procedure, you will not have sutures, linear scars, or scalpel incisions.

· The procedure is fast, and Recovery is also quick. You will be able to continue with your normal activities the next day.

· This process is cheap compared to others.

· You will be comfortable during and after the surgery.

· After the procedure, you will be satisfied with your look.

· The outcome of this procedure is always natural.

FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant is another popular method that replaced FUT. This method involves the removal of hair follicles from the back of your head. The affected areas of your head will receive the implanted hair grafts. This process is popular because its results are natural.

You may not be fit for this procedure if your hair is not healthy or thick enough for transplantation.

The Cost of FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant is cosmetic. The insurance companies do not cover it. You will have to pay from your pocket. The cost ranges from $4000 to $15000 per session. The price for FUE hair transplant depends on;

· The amount of hair that was harvested and transplanted

· The number of surgeons performing the procedure

· The popularity of the clinic

Risks of FUE Hair Transplant

There are fewer risks in FUE hair transplant. But like any other surgery, some complications may arise. The chances that may occur are;

· The risk of infection

· The area where the doctor operated may drain.

· You may feel pain or experience swelling in the place of the surgery

· You may experience some bleeding after the surgery.

· You may feel some numbness near the surgery area

· Thinning may go on even after the procedure

Follow Up

FUE hair restoration is a speedy process. The doctor will give you some instructions to follow for quick Recovery. Your surgeon will tell you not to wash your hair for about three days after the procedure. Also, make sure to use mild shampoos a few weeks after the process.

For quick healing, the doctor may advise you to take a few days off from work. You should not comb the transplanted hair for a few weeks. If you have a workout routine, the doctor will tell you to pause for one week.

Always follow these instructions to avoid complications. After the surgery, you may see the transplanted hair falling. This falling is average. The new hair will start growing in 3 to 4 months.

The Benefits of FUE Hair Restoration

FUE hair restoration treatment has many benefits compared to the FUT method. The FUE method has the following advantages;

No Detectable Scarring 

FUE hair restoration surgery does not involve stitches. Stitches or scars are always hard to hide. Scars from the FUE procedure are very tiny and heal in a few days.

Advanced Technology

FUE hair restoration procedure can use a new automated method like NeoGraft. This method is quick and less invasive.

Less discomfort 

When undergoing an FUE hair transplant, you will be comfortable during and after the surgery. After the surgery, the result will be useful, and complications will be less. If there are any discomforts, they will last for a week or less.

Fast Recovery 

The Recovery for FUE is speedy. After the surgery, you can go to work the next day. The procedure is less invasive. That is why the Recovery is quick.


FUE hair restoration procedure is cost-effective. Anyone interested in this procedure can afford it. Automated FUE enables the surgeon to extract many grafts in one session, which reduces the cost.


Beverly Hills hair restoration clinics offer the latest hair restoration method. These methods are less costly, and the results are natural. Feelings of hair loss include sudden loss of the hair, patchy bald spots, and slow thinning on top of your head. If you experience these signs, seek a doctor’s help.

Author’s BIO:

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.