tips to save on clothes

Saving on clothes is not as complicated as it seems, currently, you can get cheap clothes when buying clothes online, at Outlets or second-hand stores.

In this blog, Anvisha made a list of 7 tips to make saving on clothes less complicated and affect your personal finances and savings to a lesser extent.

1.  Plan what you need

Don’t buy clothes just to buy. If you go to the mall with your friends, it is likely that you will walk through the stores, see various clothes that you like and get carried away by the emotion of the moment. Do not do it! Lack of planning leads you to make compulsive purchases.

You may end up buying 3 T-shirts that were on sale when what you really needed was a pair of pants. Has it happened to you?

It is best to make a list of the things you need and set a budget for that purpose. A great option is to use a personal finance platform with which you can divide your expenses into various categories and assign a monthly budget to each of them. This way you can plan your expenses and monitor how much money you have used in each of your categories to identify savings opportunities.

2.  Buy during sales season

The best time to buy cheap brand-name clothes is when the clothes are out of season. That is, buy the clothes you will need in winter in summer, and vice versa. This happens because most stores need to make room for clothes that are about to go on sale and then they lower prices on clothes that are out of season. As strange as it may seem to buy a jacket in the middle of summer if you know you need it, it will be your best decision.

Another way to find sales seasons is when the stores themselves announce them. For example, the Buen Fin in November or the night sales. However, you always have to look at whether they are really worthwhile offers or just high prices disguised as offers.

3.  Don’t buy clothes you won’t wear

This is part of not planning your purchases or making compulsive purchases. Buying clothes that we don’t wear is something that has happened to almost all of us: we get carried away by ephemeral tastes, our mood, offers or rush.

Another common mistake is buying clothes that we will only use once in our lives. Did you buy a dress just for a party? Shoes just for your graduation? An extra small size because you imagined that in summer you would already have 10 kilos less? Be realistic and ask yourself if you will actually wear what you are about to buy.

4.  Look for Outlets

Where to buy cheap clothes? Outlets are a good option to save, and you can find Outlets of specific brands. In them, you can find brand clothing that has not been sold or is out of season at more than 50% off. However, be careful with the clothes you choose, check that they do not have any defects and are of good quality.

In Mexico City, you can find various outlets from brands such as Martí (Calle Venustiano Carranza) and Nike (Palma 43) in the Historic Center. In addition, there are also larger ones such as Outlet La Viga (Av. Canal de Apatlaco s/n); and in the State of Mexico: Premium Outlets Punta Norte (Cuautitlán Izcalli, Fraccionamiento Hacienda del Parque).

5.  Second-hand stores or internet

Instead of paying for quality and durability, sometimes we only pay for the brand that comes with the clothes or shoes. There are many places that offer excellent quality second-hand clothing that is almost new and cheap. Furthermore, in a second-hand store, you take care of your budget and help the environment. Simply to produce a pair of jeans, more than 3,000 litres of water are needed.

Note: do not be confused with Vintage and Second-hand stores. The former sells fashion items that are old and cost more, and the latter sells new and old clothing at bargain prices.

Buying clothes online is another very viable option to save, and where you can get real bargains. Check pages like Mercadolibre, Segundamano, Amazon.

6.  Sell the clothes you don’t use

To finance your new clothes you can sell clothes that you no longer use and that are in good condition. A tip to know which clothes you should get rid of is to ask yourself if you have worn them lately. If they’ve been in the back of your closet for more than a year, sell them. You’ll make room in your closet and get extra money.

7.  Redesign your clothes

If you have time and it is within your means, you can give a cat’s hand to that pair of pants or that jacket that you no longer wear, you can cut them and turn them into shorts or casual vests, decorate them with patches and personalize them to your style.

What is your strategy to save on clothes? Which advice do you think is best? Do you know cheap places to buy clothes? Do you buy clothes online?

Damn buying clothes you don’t need with your credit card! We recommend you read:  What you should know before using your credit card.

Also remember that it is important not to save what you have left after spending, but rather to establish a budget exclusively for expenses.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.