choose baby name

Avoiding Baby Name Pitfalls

Double-check the meanings of any name. Every name has a meaning. Some names may have less than ideal meanings. It’s a good idea, even if your baby’s name doesn’t have any family or personal significance, to verify its formal definition. Sometimes, a name may have multiple meanings. Talk to your family about the meaning of the name that you are looking for. 

Portia, for example, sounds beautiful and exotic for a girl. But it’s Latin for “pig,” which some may find offensive and others may love.

It’s time to sound it out. You should make sure that the name you choose is clear and recognizable. For example, You choose Ava as a first name for your baby then should also choose Middle Names For Ava that make her name unique. 

Avoid name-puns. When choosing a name for your baby, puns are not a good idea. Instead, avoid puns and plays on famous words and phrases for school-aged children.

While Candy Kane or Gamble Moore might sound funny at the time, your child will need to be able to laugh and joke for the rest of their lives!

It is essential to avoid using irony or puns for twins. Twin names such as “Jennifer, Angelina,” or “Harry, Sally” references pop culture. It would not be lost on most people, even if you didn’t intend to make a joke.

Carefully choose your spelling and pronunciation. If your name is frequently mispronounced, or you have to repeatedly repeat it to a new acquaintance because it’s complicated, long, or unusual to pronounce, it can be frustrating.

If you choose to spell “Megan” instead of “Megan,” people will be more likely to pronounce it the same way. But unfortunately, it means that you and your child will always have to correct new acquaintances.

Axel is a modern, cute boy’s name. Although “Jaxon” and “Jackson” are different versions, they don’t make sense.

Check the name’s durability. Some names work well for small children and cute babies, but they don’t always work well for adults. You should ensure that your baby’s name can grow with them. 

As an example, “King” may be a cute name for a baby boy, but his coworkers might not take him seriously if he gives a presentation to a corporate office.

Do the initials test. You might get the best initial combinations out of some of the most famous names. So, before you make a decision, be sure to take the initials test.

The names “Ashley Suzanne Seavey,” “Parker Mitchell Smith,” and “Parker Mitchell Smith” are not the best initial combinations.

You should keep your baby’s name secret until birth. It doesn’t matter what name you choose. Negative feedback can make it seem like you aren’t making the right choice. On the other hand, people are less likely to criticize you if you wait until after the baby is born to announce the name.

Some more Tips

Make a deal with your partner. It might be challenging to choose a name for your baby that you like. You might need to split the naming responsibility if you can’t agree on a name. You can choose your first name, and your partner can choose your middle name. Or you can choose your name, and your partner will choose the name of the next baby.Root alternatives are available to adapt difficult or gender-specific names. For example, if you are inspired to name your baby Jackson, then you should also choose middle names for Jackson, after your Belgian grandfather but find out you have an infant girl, you can search online for names that include a root or a smaller portion of the longer name like River.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.